Topic: Gah!

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  • #14522

    @adlaius wrote:

    The thing is, it makes me crazy to see Podium go down, not up, in price/target audience. There are great inexpensive hosts like Reaper, and there are great high-end hosts like Sequoia. IMO there’s a huge window of opportunity in the middle, where people are stuck mucking around with Cubase and Sonar and Logic (though I heard epic stories of the wonders of Logic before Apple got to it). That is, the high and low end have been completely dominated by a few apps each, while the midrange is full of unsatisfying pseudo-solutions. I can easily envision a more featureful version of Podium just being a shoe-in for that application space.

    As more features are added to Podium over the coming years, I plan to periodically raise the purchase price of a license. Maybe something like +$10 per year.

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