Topic: Global Effects

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  • #263

    Okay I figured out how to setup a reverb effect so it is applied to each track but I’m not sure how to control how much of each track’s signal is sent to the reverb. I was poking around in the demo projects but couldn’t find anything.


    If I understand you right that you want some kind of control on the “send” level for a track to send into an effect (or wet/dry control) that is not possible for now. Podium doesn’t have a bus system.

    For now everything goes strait into the parent/Higher tracks. The only solution is to sent tracks into seperate instances of an inserteffect. That way you have to control the wet/dry from within the FX itself. It’s not ideal.

    I think from what I read on this forum that some form of bussus is engineered in the labo


    I’m not sure how to control how much of each track’s signal is sent to the reverb

    *cough* 😳 I’m sorry to say that this is not possible yet.

    You probably have set up a group track with the reverb and are feeding several tracks into it. All the subtracks are sent 100% through the reverb, so the reverb dry/wet/mix setting will determine the amount of reverb applied. However this does not allow setting the mix ratio differently for each subtrack. For that you will have to set up a reverb insert for each track, or wait for the bussing feature to be added to Podium. I expect to have bussing implemented within a month.

    Edit: kagemusha typed faster than me.


    Hehe okay thanks guys. I’ll stick to inserts for now.


    Alternatively, in the interim, you can use something like Tobybear’s mixbox to route stuff out to other tracks.

    you have to keep your wits about you, but provided you’re not working at 5AM as haiku seems to, you should be alright!

    I’ve used this successfully, but it can have an implication when bouncing tracks. See here for my notes about this.







    @duncanparsons wrote:

    Alternatively, in the interim, you can use something like Tobybear’s mixbox to route stuff out to other tracks.

    you have to keep your wits about you, but provided you’re not working at 5AM as haiku seems to, you should be alright!

    I’ve used this successfully, but it can have an implication when bouncing tracks. See here for my notes about this.


    Thanks. I will try it out.

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