Topic: Global SMR buttons.

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  • #1400

    It can be too easy IMO to get a bit “lost” without a global SMR function in Podium.

    You only have to Mute this or solo a few tracks in a large project and it can get a bit complicated to track what is muted or soloed

    At times I just need a simple global Solo, Mute or Record button if I have two or more tracks in any of those states.

    Adding this to Podium for example just above the tracks area where the CSPL buttons used to be, would be a good idea IMO. I suppose you could even add a Global SMR feature to the Inspector Header area. As it is a global feature I think it should be highly visible.


    This screenshot in Samplitude shows exactly what I mean… there are global or arrangement level buttons “S M”. If you click on these buttons you can easily deactivate any tracks that have Solo or Mute enabled. It is very easy to see if any track has solo enabled or mute as well at a glance.

    Track 1 clearly has another set of “S M” buttons that are separate from the global track.

    No need to take your hand of the mouse and use a key board shortcut = less clicks in Podium. This has been a hassle for me for some time now. Sorry. It really slows things down when you…

    a. Cannot see immeadiately if there is a hidden track that is Solo enabled.
    b. Having to use a key board shortcut just to simply disable solo or mute on all tracks.


    Just spinning my wheels here… πŸ˜‰ if this (global SMR buttons) came to fruition sometime, it’d be a good place to put some more functions like the track menu, which I think the very bottom of the track list isn’t the optimal place for.

    In this example, I removed the ‘last passed’ marker, tempo and scale info text, as I don’t think they’re vitally needed. (Maybe scale info could be added to the tempo panel on the transport bar.)

    1. Menu contains: create track(s); track templates; minimize tracks; expand all groups; track region properties (and some personal wishes: show effect chain; show gain/pan controls; show navigator/timeline/marker/tempo regions)

    2. Create New Track(s)
    3. Create Child Track(s) (in new group or for currently selected track)

    Sorry for bumping an old thread like this, but I’m interested, so bring out your ideas!


    That is an extremely good mock up. πŸ™‚ =D>

    Yes I think the most logical place for those buttons would be above the tracks. I thought about the Inspector Panel but then if that gets closed the Global SMR buttons will be hidden as well.

    I have always been a fan of those round buttons in Podium. I love the Create New Track(s) and Child Track(s) buttons you have suggested. Very clever designs! πŸ™‚

    I need to think about the contents of the Menu you suggested though. Maybe a user defined set of say 5 -10 commands?

    Again a great mock up thcilnnahoj πŸ™‚


    Whohoo! Great mock up thcilnnahoj! I really like the idea of the SMR buttons and the new track-buttons.

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