Topic: gluing tracks

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  • #2193

    can you highlight tracks and group them so you can copy all of them at once later in the timeline? also when you beat slice a track and then chop up the audio to glitch it up can you glue all of the small clips together as one track?


    Hey carl, you must select them and “bundle” them using right click and choosing “Bundle events” or Ctrl-N. It would be cool there was some visual feedback for bundled events. This works on piano roll notes too.

    Best regards πŸ™‚


    @carl wrote:

    can you highlight tracks and group them so you can copy all of them at once later in the timeline? also when you beat slice a track and then chop up the audio to glitch it up can you glue all of the small clips together as one track?

    Bundling events as Liquid suggested is one way to easily move around a large number of related events. Another method is to simply bounce the track with the chopped up slices, and copy the bounce to another track. Then you have a single sound of your rearranged drum slices.


    thanks guys! sorry to ask so many questions this progeam is very unique!

    German Fafian

    Sorry to resurrect this thread πŸ™‚
    But….. Is there a way to “glue” together all individual clips in a track to one single clip that spans the whole track?
    I often do that to have a general view of the full track and its velocities and durations.
    Later; 8)


    I don’t know if you’re asking for merge: select all the clips you want glue, right click and choose Merge πŸ™‚

    German Fafian

    Doh!!!!! 😳
    I guess it is.
    Thanks πŸ˜‰

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