Topic: How can I use a drum map?

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  • #2234

    Hi everyone, I’ve been using the Podium demo for a few days now, will be buying it soon 🙂
    I am hoping you can help me out with this though…
    I have trawled to internet but I cannot for the life of me find out how I can use a drum map.
    The manual says: “If the preset assigned to the track is a drum kit preset then the note sequence will be opened in a drum map editor instead of a piano roll editor”… whatever that means.
    I want to use it with Sonic Charge Synplant, but even if I use a specific drum vst like Battery 3 or Drumatic, It always goes straight to the piano roll and I cannot see a way around it.
    I’ve tried messing with editor profiles but to no avail.
    Thanks in advance.

    Malcolm Jacobson

    It’s a bit convoluted. You can’t just right-click on the Piano Roll and select “Drum Map”, unfortunately.

    The Drum Map editor view is tied to a setting in the Preset. To enable the Drum Map editor view, right-click on a Preset and select “Properties”. On the right-hand side of the properties window, select the “Use preset as a drum kit” option.

    You’ll then be prompted to create a generic drum map for the preset, which can be a good or bad thing depending on whether the VSTi conforms to general MIDI drum mapping.

    Click “OK”, then create a segment on the track that contains your VSTi, and open the editor. You should then see the list of drum map names down the left-hand side of the editor.




    The access to the drum map editor is indeed not obvious. This is something I plan to redesign later this year. My idea so far is to add some commands to the track menu that can help activating drum map mode for the track, so you don’t need to set the drum kit option in the preset properties. More about that later in the year.


    Thanks for the help guys! Good luck with making the drum map better Fritz. It’s a really great program, I have tried various ‘Big’ DAWs and this is the best I have seen, once I got my head around it ;). Looking forward to seeing where the software goes.

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