Topic: I barely dare to bring this up but …

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  • #275

    I know your plate is full till 2007 but I was wondering if you thought about the abillity to open movie files (in sync) in Podium.

    I don’t know if it is something you eventually want to implement or that you think it’s outside of the scope of podium.

    But a lot of people are doing movie scoring (as I am) and it is a needed atribute.

    would this difficult to implement?



    It certainly is something I have considered, and plan on implementing at some point. I have not gone so far as to examine what resources it would take to implement this. I know there are services in Windows that offers streaming of video, but I don’t know if it will take a week or a month to get it working properly. Depends if I just go for a solution where Podium playback syncs a separate window with the video running, or if I should make it possible to drag videos on to tracks with miniature screen grabs being shown along the time axis. I don’t intend to offer video editing within Podium though. As you imply, there are other things that are more important currently. So unless there is a sudden boom of interest in Podium from movie-scorers, it’s not on my plan for the next couple of months.

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