Topic: Just my two cents

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  • #16600

    I’ve already discussed your, quite frankly, atrociously rude manner of expressing yourself, so I shan’t continue again. I will remind you that saying how things “should” be and then calling yourself open-minded is hypocritical.

    But I do take issue with something here, mostly because I sometimes feel it too; the necessity to be loud and/or rude to get heard.

    It doesn’t always work, and in some cases, it can backfire. Have a look at the energyXT forum over at KVR Audio; many people there can be downright nasty. All that’s happened is that Jorgen has crawled into a shell and barely shows up, and his software is updated slower than ever.

    I mention this only as a way to point out that being rude and/or loud does not get what you want always, and it does not always get you heard, either. Sometimes it makes it easier for others to ignore you, because they find you offensive.

    I certainly am, again.


    @Markus wrote:

    1. Current inspector fx’s thing. I still think that slot system with d&d support would be best solution. By d&d fx’s it would be fast & easy and you can call it modern feature too.

    I don’t like static slots, they take too much space and are not as flexible as current ‘dynamic slots’ or how to call it.

    @Markus wrote:

    (ye we live in 2009)

    Yes, we all know. You wrote it many times. So what?

    @Markus wrote:

    2. Current mixer and how it handle plugins. Fx disorder. However, Frits has told he remake mixer after current update. Nice! At least i want to get rid of thos mixer up and down scroll cases.

    For me, the current state of the mixer is absolutely wonderful. It shows all routings, effects on groups and individual tracks etc. all at once, still not waisting too much space. And, if you put too much effects on the track, then how would you want to get rid of those scrollbars?

    @Markus wrote:

    3. Help us get our ideas fast out in podium and allow note strech on selection tool. PLEASE! One of the smalest request what is ever made. This little thing would make many your customers happy.

    I support this one.

    @Markus wrote:

    4. Swing. Man, every musician needs swings. I dont want to make music which sound 100% made on computer. Ableton or Studio one has good swing system. Take some inspiration there.

    Swing would be useful, I think Frits already said that he will work on it after current UI update batches. No need to say it again and again.

    @Markus wrote:

    5. I would call another modern feature here. Easy sidechain. Sidechain which take maxium 10 seconds to set up. Ableton has most easiest / fastest sidechain. Take inspiration there.

    Well, this one. You keep asking for ‘easy sidechain’, no matter how many times this was answered to you. I’m able to set up sidechain in less than 10 seconds (not counting initial device setup, which has to be done only once per project). This means that Podium already has this feature. Many people already answered you with detailed answers, links to tutorials etc. Did you actually read those answers, those tutorials, links etc. ?

    @Markus wrote:

    6. Totally new graphics. More modern. Softer edges. Not so blocky, you know. Studio one and ableton have good graphics.

    I’m absolutely fine with current graphics. rounded graphics take more valuable space. This is DAW, not graphics gallery. If you love so much graphics of other program and depend on it, why not use that other program?

    @Markus wrote:

    7. Relize that you can’t do all the things alone. You will need help. Find some one to make inbuild fx’s for podium. Or ask if you can add some freebies with Podium. Like Gol did with FL Studio. If i remember right those first fx’s are made by smartelectronix(?)

    I don’t have any problems downloading free effects separately. What advantage would be bundling 3rd party effects with podium?

    @Markus wrote:

    8. Remember you run business here. If your customers want something, you do it. Well, of course not everything but when preponderance wants same thing..

    Remember that there are many customers. Every customer wants a lot of things. It is simply not feasible to fulfill every wish of every customer.

    @Markus wrote:

    9. Forget what you like and what you don’t like it. Between betas we can read something like this “i change my mind, i do it this and this”. “i change my mind again blaa blaa”..
    What about users opinions? They use your product. You just develop it. Does it matter if you don’t like “fx slots thing”, when your customers do like it and they are happy? You know what happy customers means.

    I disagree very strongly on this one. IMO Frits does wonderful job evaluating all requests/wishes and choosing proper way to implement it. This means that in most cases, the feature is implemented a bit differently than originally requested, but this make podium very *consistent*. Just filling in every wish would make it a huge pile of inconsistent and overlapping features, complex in interaction between crossing features, thus very hard to maintain and quickly becoming buggy.

    @Markus wrote:

    10. Take this criticism in positive way. We all want to help you. Thats why we keep supporting you.

    Still haven’t seen any other developer taking criticism in more positive way. Even your often rude, shouting and repeating remarks are always answered (at least if they contain something to answer).

    @Markus wrote:

    ps. sry for my bad english 😳

    The problem is not your english, the problem is your attitude, as others already mentioned.


    @Markus wrote:

    To speak rude doesnt mean i’m rude person.

    That’s exactly what it mean. Being rude make you a rude person, no matter what you claim, and it’s very counterproductive.


    Looking forward to what will come end of october regarding Scarlet & Epic… πŸ˜€


    I’m rude, and my attitude is from ass 8)


    @Markus wrote:

    I’m rude, and my attitude is from ass 8)

    That’s such a yesteryear attitude. Come on already, it’s 2009! Time to update…


    @Slomo wrote:

    That’s such a yesteryear attitude. Come on already, it’s 2009! Time to update…

    Actually, this one is good one! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜†


    Hey guys, I think it’s enough. Please stop, this is the most pacific forum I meet, lets keep it πŸ™‚


    @Slomo wrote:

    Looking forward to what will come end of october regarding Scarlet & Epic… πŸ˜€

    Their camera systems are game changers. Such a small company making such a big impact is exciting. Now whether I can afford one (camera and system) is a whole different story πŸ™‚


    Absolut! The footage of the lizard is stunning and I don’t think that, for example, Canon’s D5 and D7 is in the same league. I’m going for the fixed Scarlet…:)

    Oh, and my post above, regarding the ‘update’, is meant as a joke and nothing else. Just forgot the πŸ˜‰

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