Topic: kind of FR

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  • #2683

    i don’t know if this would be an easy task to do but i would ask to have the 2 menu entries “Quantize” and “Adjust timing” moved to the beginning of the drop down menu. reason is my new work around with Autohotkey to trigger this menu entries…


    The menu items are grouped and ordered in a logical manner. I’d prefer not to disrupt this order. What I can do is add underscore key shortcuts to the menus. You can already do this with the Quantize command by pressing Alt+E, followed by Q. This method won’t work with “Adjust Timing”, since the A key is assigned as shortcut to “Select All Events”. I’ll try to find another key shortcut for this command. ‘T’ is taken by “Delete Event”, so maybe ‘I’.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    The menu items are grouped and ordered in a logical manner. I’d prefer not to disrupt this order. What I can do is add underscore key shortcuts to the menus. You can already do this with the Quantize command by pressing Alt+E, followed by Q. This method won’t work with “Adjust Timing”, since the A key is assigned as shortcut to “Select All Events”. I’ll try to find another key shortcut for this command. ‘T’ is taken by “Delete Event”, so maybe ‘I’.

    that would be nice – what ever fits your intentions best – underscore keys would be fine either!
    thank you

    The Telenator

    I just commented in another thread about not wishing to disrupt or significantly alter the overall setup of Podium, and this would apply to the menus to a large degree.

    What I’ve been suggesting as Feature Requests tend to be more along the the lines of minor-yet-crucial add-on “goodies” and tweaks to streamline our workflow, keep our creativity as unfettered and spontaneous as possible, and remove or avoid clutter whenever possible. In my spare time I’ve been looking at the other DAWs, hoping to cull a few choice features, with the goal of adding these half dozen or so, the result being Podium in 2012 becomes beyond debate the hands-down finest system available.


    @The Telenator wrote:

    I just commented in another thread about not wishing to disrupt or significantly alter the overall setup of Podium, and this would apply to the menus to a large degree.

    What I’ve been suggesting as Feature Requests tend to be more along the the lines of minor-yet-crucial add-on “goodies” and tweaks to streamline our workflow, keep our creativity as unfettered and spontaneous as possible, and remove or avoid clutter whenever possible. In my spare time I’ve been looking at the other DAWs, hoping to cull a few choice features, with the goal of adding these half dozen or so, the result being Podium in 2012 becomes beyond debate the hands-down finest system available.

    changing an enumeration wouldn’t break a mind set imo but if you say so – btw with all due respect you sound patronizing to me in every thread you join…

    The Telenator

    michi mak, I’m not really sure what you mean by patronizing.


    i can’t recall accusing Podium to crash my AppData or the likes …

    The Telenator


    The Telenator



    and where exactly did i claim Podium to alter / disrupt my system???

    i rest my case…

    edit : i complained about some issues ( sometimes with strong words ) but i did not claim Podium to alter / disrupt my system as you stated before …

    and i stand my ground that i do not want to be a beta tester when the dev does not inlcude too much user community input!

    The Telenator


    The Telenator



    Telenator – Any interesting developments on the going bonkers front, recently?

    Putting so much effort into quoting stuff to proof a very minor little micropoint looks a bit …. well peculiar at least. Nothing else to do, hugh?

    The Telenator

    Sorry to disappoint, Piganini, but that went down on New Year’s Eve day, all our gear was still in transit to gig, I can’t get to my music computer, got my acoustic guitar but feel if I run through the tunes one more time I’m gonna have to jump out the window.

    So I was probably already on edge, anticipating the most likely gig of the year to have someone puke on our monitors or for a fight to break out in the last hour when, lo and behold, one of our chronic complainers here accuses me of “patronizing” him and then denies most of his comments in his last several posts.

    Wasn’t what I’d call a “minor little micropoint.” Maybe you should have taken typing at the university or trade school, ’cause it only took about an hour to look that stuff up, paste it and reply.

    I use the Zynewave forums as a needed diversion from an otherwise demanding schedule. I’m really loving this Podium audio workstation more each time I use it. Just finished recording one of my friends’ bands using Podium, and hoping he’ll let me post one on our SoundCloud group when mixed. You must have something more constructive you could offer here, don’t you? Got any tunes? We’ve been encouraging more folks to post on the Podium Poppets.

    Overall, I’d sure like to see a little more positive activity on the forum. Surely, you have something creative or helpful you might post. I mean, certainly you didn’t sign in just to critique the interchange with michi, ’cause the whining and complaining gets old pretty fast.

    Happy New Year


    just to be precise : disrupt / crash is something different than make it useless – i claimed Podium to be of little use but i did not claim Podium to break my system which was implied by The Telenator – so i did not deny anything …
    btw are you a relative to Kriminal or BONES ???

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