Topic: Lovin Podium so far!

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  • #2292

    Hi there,

    Just wanted to say that Podium Free is very cool and I am super close to laying my money down.

    I come from a Synapse Orion background but nothing much seems to be going on with it at the moment and I’m wanting to move to something a little more updated.

    Just a few questions first:

    Is there a way to play notes via my PC keyboard?

    Are there any plans to have some form of pattern sequencing?

    Any plans for a drum sampler? I have 100’s of single hit samples and it would be great to be able to use them in the drum maps.

    Thanks, and again you have built a very very cool peice of software!


    Is there a way to play notes via my PC keyboard?

    No, there isn’t. You could play notes with any keyboard to midi conversor (as Bome’s).

    Are there any plans to have some form of pattern sequencing?

    I also like pattern sequencing, I was an Orion and FL Studio user too, take a look here:

    Any plans for a drum sampler?

    I think there isn’t at the moment, sorry. I bought Poise for that.


    Just gave poise a go, slick!

    Would FL Directwave do the job? I already own that.

    I hope there is the possibility of a pattern based mode, for both sequencing and live performance in the future.

    Really impressed so far.


    Hi Khaos,

    Would FL Directwave do the job? I already own that.

    Yes, it would. I also own DW. I’d make a template to use it quickly with drums. Since you can rename and limit keys in piano/drum roll you could. Take a look to this video to learn how to do a drum template:

    And this one (they’re a serie of three videos) to learn to manage plugins with multiple inputs and multiple outputs

    I hope there is the possibility of a pattern based mode, for both sequencing and live performance in the future.

    Me too 🙂


    @khaos wrote:

    Any plans for a drum sampler? I have 100’s of single hit samples and it would be great to be able to use them in the drum maps.

    I have lots of ideas for a drum sampler, so I hope to find time to work on that at some point. Currently I have quite a few Podium features that I want to finish first, so I don’t see myself working on instrument plugins for the next 6 months.


    No problems mate, any plans on any forms of live performance capabilities for Podium?


    @khaos wrote:

    No problems mate, any plans on any forms of live performance capabilities for Podium?

    Such as?

    I don’t think any of the features I’m planning for the next few months can be considered as targeting live performance.

    I do plan to support multi-touch input, once it becomes more commonly available.


    I don’t think podium needs live performance features. Unless you have a really good concept, it would probably just feel like trying to squeeze a square pig in a round hole.

    For the drum sampler: did you try the free shortcircuit 2? It works very well as a drum sampler.


    I need to look into tags, but can you trigger sections of a song via tags? Like the cubase arrange track?

    If you could assign tags to a midi keyboard to be triggered, that could be useful live. You could then in theory play an entire live set from wthin podium.

    I’ve only had the software for a few days but I’m finding it refreshing.


    I’ve got DirectWave and it seems to be doing the job so far, but cheers mate.


    @khaos wrote:

    I need to look into tags, but can you trigger sections of a song via tags? Like the cubase arrange track?

    No. Track tags are used as a filter for displaying only a subset of the tracks in the editor.

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