Topic: Mobile App

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  • #2643

    What ever happened to the mobile podium app?


    For reference, I assume you refer to this topic:

    I felt there wasn’t an overwhelming interest, so I haven’t been working on the iOS port since then. I wrote that I didn’t see Windows 7 tablets happening, which was a big reason why I started to look at an iPad port. Since then, Microsoft have started to take this form-factor seriously with the Phone 7 inspired UI announced for Windows 8. There should be a flood of Windows 8 tablets in 2012. I have done some experiments with touch support in Podium, using the multi-touch features already present in Windows 7. I bought a 21″ Dell multi-touch screen to test with. I aim to have support for multi-touch in Podium in time for when Windows 8 hits the market.


    Ah I see.
    and yes, thats what I was talking about.

    I would actually still like to see an Android app if ever possible.


    I agree with Lion. Have support for both iOS and Andriod if possible! 😀

    I own Alchemy Synth mobile for my iPod Touch 4G and I’m just waiting for Podium to be on iOS market.


    erm, i beg to differ – have a look at energy-xt : another small dev that focused on ios and put the desktop version on hold for quite some time and will never come back to life imo …
    ymmv of course


    @Lion wrote:

    Ah I see.
    and yes, thats what I was talking about.

    I would actually still like to see an Android app if ever possible.

    Are you really serious with that???

    Since Fritz became a part time developer, the development of Podium decreases to (just a guess) 1/4 and you want him to waste more time for a toy???

    I guess, the to-do list for Podium is as thick as the the telefon book of New York and I personally would love to see more features requests fulfilled, there are really important things to do.

    I don´t know the sale numbers of companies brought out a phone app of their products, but I highly guess, that first your products have to become more popular, before a phone app can help by selling…

    Companies like IK Multimedia, who reach with ease 5000 sales with a simple group buy, or Image Line, who have 10.000 or more dl of their product every single day could perhaps benefit from such an app, but will 10 sales of an phone app bring Fritz any further???

    If you have a look on KVR, the mobile Apps section is such rarely used, that on one single page, you have posts from more than one week, for all companies, for all products they made…

    I say again a big no go for a mobile app for many good reasons…
    Fritz has to earn money and he will only do, if Podium become more popular…this will only happen, if it will become more competitive…

    I personally love the workflow of Podium, but I won´t renew my license until I see a developement, which is important for my way of working…
    I own 2.42 and since the 10th of april, there was nothing useable for me (I don´t use x64) and that´s status quo for me meanwhile since more than a half year.

    I understand, that x64 was an important step for Podium, but now it´s time for many other very important workflow killer to be wiped out such as the lack of audio timestretch, which even Reason got now … 😈

    Just my 2 cents


    + 1 ^^^


    + 1 ^^^


    I’ll just say this and not reply any further:

    Creating a mobile app would be a new direction for Podium’s development and bringing the application to others eyes. No offense now, but as much as I “try” to get new people who are interested in music to be interested in Podium to start out with, the more they overlook this great program. Maybe this direction for Frits as far as the mobile app is just so others can see Podium generally exists.

    As far as features go, I’m not going crazy about features. Although they may be some who desperately need it, I however do not. I have found workarounds and most features I wouldn’t even use on a daily[music creation] basis. The only feature I would like implemented is the “PC Keyboard is a MIDI keyboard”, standard like in every other DAW. However I know there are workarounds for that, but I’d rather in be programmed already it Podium. Besides, that feature also I don’t really desperately need, but it’s something I would like to have.

    On another hand I do agree with the development of Podium and more features. The iOS version would be nice for more people to discover the desktop product, but of course the desktop product needs more to keep the reeled ones “in”.

    Anyway- overall I like Podium [Free]the way it is now, it’s better than nothing. And far better than LMMS even though it’s labeled a “FL Studio” copy, they still have a lot of work to do on that program, it’s terrible right now, and plus they have a full team behind that DAW, vs Frits who is just one person with a actually more than decent DAW.

    And just my opinion, I would take multi-core processing over “time stretching” any day.


    That is a very long winded reply about something that is on hold.

    As far as audio time stretch, I think thats need much more than Multi-Core.


    You appear to be forgetting that the mobile Podium version would’ve been identical to the current one on Windows, not a separately written app. It’s only limited by the number of things you can fit on screen (more than enough on a tablet, not so much on a phone) and the fact that there’s no plug-in system available. As that makes it perfectly usable for audio recording and editing tasks at least, I wouldn’t call it a toy. I respect your opinion, though, and it might indeed be of no use at the moment if you mostly do MIDI…

    Still, besides the time it took Frits to get a development environment up and running, very little extra time would have to be spent on a mobile version.

    However, as he explained himself, the whole idea isn’t so much about the “mobile” aspect as it is about touch capability. I think you’ll have a hard time convincing Frits to drop all development in that direction! 😉


    Sorry about the double post earlier.
    Please, just let me understand something, as it seems I didn’t get something very obvious to many…
    What is the good of a DAW in a mobile format?

    Call me a dino, but I really fail to see the benefit of this. Don’t tell me you will create arrangements and mix songs on a 3,5-4 inches screen. Or that you’ll master the finished songs, or anything like this…

    On the other hand, I couldn’t agree more with the fact that Podium has alot to catch up with the rest of DAWs. Being a very nice app, is still behind in many areas, and it’s really only the ease of use that keeps many of us around. Feature wise, there is still alot missing. We’re waiting to see it happening…

    So, why do you need a mobile Podium?!


    I have to admit I’ve, for a long time, dreamed of having something that I can just open up and fiddle with out and about, including for music.

    And I’m eyeing the Samsung Series 7 Slate right now. Because it will run all the programs I am familiar with, because I can use touch AND pen on it, because it’s Windows and Intel CPU (which really is the same as the first reason; familiar environment with supported applications). And because I’m looking forward to Windows 8 just like I was 7 (and I wasn’t disappointed by 7; we’ll see how long Microsoft can hold my interest for).

    I admit that the battery life does not tantalise me, and I wouldn’t mind a slightly bigger screen than 11 inches, with a little more resolution (I’d ask for a lot more, but my eyesight is absolutely shocking, glasses only help a little bit 🙁 ).

    I think Frits is right, but that’s because I’m of the same opinion. With Windows slates looking like they might actually be the tablet that should’ve been released years ago but wasn’t, focusing on a different platform may be unnecessary. Then he wouldn’t even have to work out which features to put in or out; only streamline code to help less CPU work mean mmore battery life (which I think he’s done a fair bit of anyway?).

    To make my point, a tablet for me shouldn’t cost more than $500 USD or something. It’s a toy. Give me a full-featured Windows one that can use all programs I”m used to anyway, and I’ll pay at least twice as much, 3-4 times if the specifications are good enough. Because it will replace my laptop as a mobile solution.

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