Topic: more insertslots (maps) per track please

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  • #602

    the gui gets very full (or when the group is collapsed, no way to work on the audiofile) just because i had to wrap every single track in 2 groups just to add my favorite eq, compressor and sometimes a gate or a limiter or some other stuff. that’s the most important thing i’d like to see in the future. all other stuff is really good and well thought 🙂


    hmm, this would broke the concept i think 🙂

    maybe you could autowrap in a new grouptrack when adding a new insert and maybe you could think of a new kind of group for this grouptrack where the audiotracks are shown in that group (could be that this is what you’ve allredy planned with the “edit all audi in wrapped groups” feature you’ve mentioned). and maybe some kind of way to reach the insert of the wrapped tracks without the need to unfold it every time. (ok, tha were a lot of maybes, but this wouldn’t hurt the main concept (that i like a lot 😉 )


    thx 🙂 this is good to see. anyone knows how soon this will be ?


    anyone knows how soon this will be ?

    No deadline set yet. For the next few releases I intend to work on some of the minor things that have been requested.


    Perhaps this one helps…

    It’s free.. Until we have this feature in Podium, this is a good way to manage several PlugIns per Track.


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