Topic: Multi multi-(distinctly-minty)-timbral plugins.

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  • #637

    I know that you can do a device mapping on, say, Kontakt, so that you can have a different track for each MIDI channel.

    What happens when (as often happens with large GPO or EWQLSO projects) you need more than one instance of Kontakt?

    Kontakt Plugin instance 1 (with your string instruments*)
    Kontakt Plugin instance 2 (with your brass instruments*)
    Kontakt Plugin instance 3 (with your percussion instruments*)

    How does this work? Will the device mappings on sub-tracks of the particular plugin know which plugin instance they are supposed to send to?

    * each instrument is on a different channel


    What happens when (as often happens with large GPO or EWQLSO projects) you need more than one instance of Kontakt?

    You need to create separate sets of mappings for each Kontakt instance that you want to use. Importing the plugin multiple times will create additional sets of mappings (labeled #2 etc.), but will reuse the device definition for the first imported instance. I recently updated the devices section in the guide, including a chapter on the use of multitimbral plugins:

    I’m currently working on an example project using GPO. I’ve created several global instances of GPO dedicated for strings, woodwinds, brass etc. I’ve also configured a ‘GPO insert’ mapping for non-multitimbral use, which is handy to add e.g. a piano to the arrangement without having to set up multiple tracks for audio and MIDI.


    Thanks for the quick reply. I’ll try this when I get home from work. 🙂

    Would your example project be available for download? After trying out my own version, I’d still be curious to see how you do it on your side.


    GPO and EWQLSO? What is this?

    I’ve also configured a ‘GPO insert’ mapping for non-multitimbral use, which is handy to add e.g. a piano to the arrangement without having to set up multiple tracks for audio and MIDI.

    Sounds interresting! 😀


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