Topic: multi out from Hypersonic

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  • #2651

    Hi guys!

    I have an issue, maybe someone can help me…
    I know how to make 16 midi channels to one instance of Hypersonic, and so I managed to have different sounds on different tracks/channels. Now, I would like to also have multiple audio outputs for mixing individual channels.
    How do I do that? The Hypersonic has 12 outputs enabled, but I can only see one when doing the procedure from above.

    Anyone? Any thoughts?


    Just like with the MIDI channel configuration, you need to set up your device mappings (this time with audio outputs), like in this image:

    You can either enable the audio outputs on your existing MIDI input mappings (so you can have MIDI input and the corresponding audio output on one track), or create a new mapping for each output (keeping MIDI in and audio out tracks separate).

    Just make sure you select the right configuration – Hypersonic’s outputs are probably stereo pairs, so it’s channels 1+2 for output 1, and so on!

    It’s also probably best if you save this in your Podium plugin database, or create a project template when you’re done, so you won’t have to do this in every project.

    Let me know if you need any more help!


    Thank you !
    I will give it a try, as soon as I get the chance.


    I tried many different actions, but I could not produce a track that will hold both the midi and the audio.
    But I can work now with multiple midi tracks and corespondent audio tracks, from the outputs of Hypersonic.

    So, you idea did give me a solution after all!
    Thank you!

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