Topic: New song in progress

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  • #1966

    I posted a working version of a song I am working on called “Stars Around My Head”

    It’s the last song in the player. It’s still very much in progress, but I’d love to hear any comments you might have.


    Does no one like to workshop songs here? Just curious. The next piece I post will be from Podium. I’m working on a microtonal piece but I’m only a minute into it. Maybe in a month or so.

    If no one is into this sort of thing, then perhaps I’ll just wait and post finished versions.


    I feel bad :(. I listened but didn’t comment, because I honestly didn’t know what to say. I liked some of the sound of it, not entirely my thing but it sounded nice, but I had no real constructive feedback, and I didn’t listen for frequency ranges or anything either. But it did sound nice. Wait I already said that. 😳


    Oh, hey, that’s cool. Just didn’t know if people didn’t workshop here or what the general thing was. I, myself, get a lot of benefit from posting songs in progress and commenting on others. I had asked for a music forum in the VIP lounge but was told to post stuff here. Wasn’t trying to chuff anyone. 🙂

    I’m a new guy here, so wanted to get a feel for how the forum operates. If people are interested I would love to get a group of folks commenting on each other’s work…


    I like it. Reminds me of some of the stuff I listen to over at SomaFM. Post again if you have an update to it.


    To quote someone from my favourite German ‘podcast’:
    “I don’t really make music with the stuff I buy. I just download the latest updates and install them.” 😀

    In all seriousness though, there aren’t that many regularly posting users around, and those who are most likely have tastes in music widely varying from one another! So you probably can’t expect much more than a somewhat superficial opinion, which I’m about to give:

    – The drum sounds, rhythm, and especially the bass sound are very good. I also like the detuning starting at 1:12. 🙂
    – I hope you plan on lengthening the individual parts. It’s a little short, all in all.
    – Personally, I’d cut the low end on that swirly lead sound, since it has a bit too much ‘kick’ on lower notes for my taste.
    – Lastly, the flute/pad part at 32 seconds comes in abruptly and doesn’t really add anything to the track either… or at least I didn’t notice any musical relation.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    In all seriousness though, there aren’t that many regularly posting users around…

    Sad, but true.


    Ah, an embarrassment of riches! Thank you so much for listening and commenting. I think it would be cool if we could get a workshop going. It’s so much more interesting when you have concerned and interested partners in crime. Having said that, let me know where I can hear your songs — PM, email, or here.

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