Topic: no sound with vst plugins !

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  • #932

    When I try to use some vst instruments plugins I get these exclamation
    marks in inspector panel with these errors :

    – a preset must be assigned to store changes made in the plugin editor

    – the mapping produces audio but there is no parent track mapping
    that handles audio

    How do I fix these problems please ?



    a preset must be assigned to store changes made in the plugin editor

    go to the preset tab in the inspector (left side of the arrangement) and double click on the preset that is shown there (sth. like “Local bank”)

    – the mapping produces audio but there is no parent track mapping
    that handles audio

    You probably have put your VSTi on the same hirarchic level as the master track. Just create a new track and put it “under” the master track, or simply lower the hierarchic level of your intrument track by pressing ctrl and –

    If you still get problems, feel free to ask. We will help you. And you could take a look at the new tutorial (about the engine) Frits made. It can be found in the Wiki.



    And I forgot to ask: Do you have an output mapping on your master track?


    Yes I have an output on the mastertrack.
    OK, I just managed to get sound at last.
    In fact , I didn’t realise that plugin must be put inside
    a mastertrack to enable sound.
    I just created new track and assign a plugin to it and get no sound.
    I find it not practical to have to create a master track then a sub track
    to put a plugin in. Is there no other way ?
    I just want to create separate simple tracks each assigned to a plugin without messing with mastertracks and sub tracks…


    Podium’s engine is “different” in comparison to what you might know from other hosts. The signal flows from the bottom to the top. You allways have to have a master track with an output mapping assigned, otherwise you do not get any sound at all. Every track can produce audio (or midi, or automation data) and the track view in podium directly shows the actual signal flow! In every other host, you won’t SEE how the signal flows.

    Try to start at the beginning. Take a look at the “getting started” page in the Podium guide. I assume some things will make more sense for you.


    OK, I guess I’ll take a more deeper look a the guides…
    I’m overwhelmed by so many things to learn.
    Thanks !


    Podium wizard (ctrl+w) is great for arrangement (and of course project) setup. You can easilly create master track and instrument tracks (they will be automatically created as a sub-tracks of a master track).

    It also great for importing plugs and much more.


    Podium wizard (ctrl+w) is great for arrangement (and of course project) setup. You can easilly create master track and instrument tracks (they will be automatically created as a sub-tracks of a master track).

    It also great for importing plugs and much more.

    Yes, Max is right! The wizard can be a great help and time saver.


    @abducted wrote:

    In fact , I didn’t realise that plugin must be put inside
    a mastertrack to enable sound.

    I can see how this might be confusing initially…it may be better to start a new project from scratch as this should take you to the new project screen with the four large project set up buttons…

    Project Properties
    Select Midi / Audio interfaces
    Select VST plugin Folder

    I just started a new project with the four buttons above and when you do it this way Podium should automatically create a master track with tracks underneath it, set up correctly. You really should not even need to create a master track if you follow the steps above. Much easier. 🙂

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