Topic: Offline Bounce crash

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  • #6843

    What ASIO buffer size are you using? If it is not 128, try setting it to that, and see if you still get crashes.


    Normally I use 512 to 1024 as ASIO buffer size. I tried 128. The crash is still there, but takes 5 seconds longer to quit Podium.


    P.S. I tried both, ASIO4ALL and the Line6 Toneport ASIO driver.


    perhaps I must live with the fact that Halion is buggy as software can be! I realized that at the moment I bought it. In every host I used, I had crashes and missing samples and so on. Am I the only one who uses Halion that much? 🙂

    Anyway, if you find a solution that can make this bug go away on the side of Podium, I would be very thankful! 😛


    Unfortunately I don’t know of any demo versions based on the Halion player. If anyone know of any, please let me know.


    There won’t be any, unless you have the dongle. If you have one, there is a Halion Demo shipped with Cubase or with other Steinberg apps.


    I didn’t want to start a new topic, so that’s why I am writing here. Although the issue above is solved, I still get a lot of crashes with offline bounce. I tried to recreate the situation for 2 hours now. I couldn’t. In some arrangements, it works as it is expected, and in others Podium crashes.

    Here my problem, which occured very often!!I have e.g. 5 tracks that are inside different groups in the arrangement. I wrap all of them in new bounce tracks. On every of those tracks, I enable record and bounce, then I hit Ctrl and R and then Podium crashes. I bypassed all plugins in the arrangement, but that didn’t help. I also tried to change the hierarchy level. Didn’t help either.

    Any idea?


    On my notepad I have scribbled down a possible crash-bug in the bouncing, which I haven’t fixed yet. I think I found that it could occur if you tried to bounce record a MIDI channel mapping (no audio) of a global plugin. Maybe this can explain your crashes.


    In my case there is no midi track involved. Only audio. I’ll further try to recreate this, in order to narrow down the possibilities. Perhaps a certain plugin is to blame.


    Ok, I tested and tested and this is what I could find out:

    There seems to be a problem with offline bouncing and the a track’s level in the hierarchy.

    I have two audio tracks without any plugin mappings on them. I wrap both in bounce tracks and enable “b” and “r”. These 4 tracks are put under another track to move them. I got crashes in my arrangement especially with these 4 tracks. Other tracks rendered fine though. I moved these two tracks to the left, so that they were right under the master level. Rendering was fine this time! Then I moved the tracks one step to the right. Now there was one effect track between the master out and my group track. When offline rendering now, Podium doesn’t crash but the render dialog starts, and everything slows down. The render dialog gets too slow to wait for it to end. I aborted. Then I put my group track one further step to the right. Again everything works fine. Smooth and fast rendering.

    Now I have these 3 conditions:

    – crash
    – slowdown
    – normal

    I hope this helps pin pointing the reason for that. The bounce feature is one of the mightiest of Podium. It is sad that I get so many crashes with it.



    Please send your project file in an email. And if possible, create two arrangements, one with the layout that works, and another with the group level changes that makes it crash.




    Hi Frits,

    Haven’t heard from you yet, did you find anything? Perhaps why MPL1 Pro causes a crash in the hierarchy?



    I’m focusing on finishing the feature I’m working on currently. I’ll look at it afterwards.


    Ok, fair enough.. Now that I know the offending plug, I can workaround.. 😉


    Woohoo, found the bug. The MPL-1 provokes the crash because it adds latency, which could result in negative offsets into some offline buffers (which is a bad thing :wink:). Fix coming up in 1.71.

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