Topic: Offline bounce recording – UI?

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  • #5801

    I finally have offline rendering working. I still need maybe a week to test it thoroughly. Will appear in release 1.46.


    wow!!! That was fast!! Looking forward to this!!





    Will there be an option for bounce in realtime? I know that the actual bounce is in realtime, but one has to play the arrangement, which, concerning spikes, can be difficult.. Some plug-ins need the slow export/bounce to work correctly..


    @Podianer wrote:

    Will there be an option for bounce in realtime? I know that the actual bounce is in realtime, but one has to play the arrangement, which, concerning spikes, can be difficult.. Some plug-ins need the slow export/bounce to work correctly..

    An option for realtime rendering will not be in the imminent release. If the plugin produces CPU spikes during normal playback, then it will spike during realtime rendering too. The difference being that the rendering don’t need to bypass the plugin when it uses too much CPU, so you won’t have dropouts in the rendered sound. Do you have any examples of plugins that don’t behave as expected when rendered faster than realtime?


    There is “realtime export” flag in Cubase audio export dialog and “1x rendering” in Tracktion options. Is this things work like currently available realtime bounce function in Podium or it’s something different?
    For example, I need Tracktion’s “1x rendering” option to export correctly projects that use DSP effects of my EMU audiocard. Creamware DSP FX and synths are also not support realtime rendering. So, realtime rendering is needed too (at least for me).


    Very VERY few plugins require realtime rendering to work correctly; less than 1% of all available plugins. I recommend this be a very low priority for Podium development and focus on other features that are more important in making Podium a top-tier contender. After all, anyone using these sort of plugins can always record the audio/bounce it like they’ve normally been doing up until now.

    As a whole, I think it’s important for all of us to stop bogging down Frits with requests to support the idiosyncracies of cheapo/archaic/free/low-end plugins and their requirements, and let him focus on the big issues necessary for Podium to compete on the grand scale, specifically the things listed in his Future Development thread.

    I mean, we all want to see Podium make it to the big time, don’t we?


    suges, you’re absolutely right. But:
    @suges wrote:

    Very VERY few plugins require realtime rendering to work correctly; less than 1% of all available plugins.

    You’re right if you talking about native VST plugins; but there’s a lot of EMU & Creamware users around.

    After all, anyone using these sort of plugins can always record the audio/bounce it like they’ve normally been doing up until now.

    You’re right here too; For example, I don’t need realtime rendering right now – I just wonder what’s the difference between currently available bounce in Podium and Cubase/Tracktion/etc.. realtime rendering? Probably no difference at all…

    As a whole, I think it’s important for all of us to stop bogging down Frits with requests to support the idiosyncracies of cheapo/archaic/free/low-end plugins…

    I don’t think that people who bought cheap sequencer like Podium needs to be supported only high priced plugins šŸ˜† But seriously, Creamware and EMU is good example here too – it’s professional quality FX and synths that don’t support offline rendering. BTW, cheap doesn’t mean bad. I bought Drumular because it’s better than DR008, Battery and Microtonic and costs almost nothing; and don’t forget that Podium costs 1/10 of Cubase’s price, but it 10 times better than Cubase šŸ™‚

    …and their requirements, and let him focus on the big issues necessary for Podium to compete on the grand scale, specifically the things listed in his Future Development thread.
    I mean, we all want to see Podium make it to the big time, don’t we?

    Of cource we are. šŸ˜€ But everyone needs to have a chance to ask for something IMO.


    But everyone need to have a chance to ask for something

    Max. I agree with you!

    @ Suges:

    And I want to add that I only asked if there will be an option for realtime rendering. I didn’t request it. I don’t even need it, when offline bounce works correctly! But as I know, other hosts have this, IMO this WOULD help making Podium a top-tier contender. Nothing else do I have in mind, because we all Podium-users want that Frits get something back for his great work! This forum is for sharing opinions and talking about things, and not “bogging Frits”.



    There is “realtime export” flag in Cubase audio export dialog and “1x rendering” in Tracktion options.

    I don’t think there is much difference between Podiums realtime bounce recording and other applications realtime render options. For the time being I recommend using Podiums existing bounce recording with plugins that can’t render faster than realtime. The existing bounce recording system will not change with the introduction of offline rendering.


    Sorry fellas I definitely didn’t mean to come off like an asshole.

    What I REALLY mean to say is let him implement the major features needed so that they generally work for the majority of users, THEN let him go back and add all the little things that take care of specific needs of rare plugins.

    Like, for example, when a potential customer is looking at a list of features, they want to see “Offline Bounce”, then they want to see “This Feature”, then “That Feature”. Then they buy. Then later as they’re using Podium, they have a specific need and request it on this forum. But if the feature’s not there at all because Frits is working on just one feature and trying to handle every little exception to it, then a customer may pass right by.

    Of course it’s all up to Frits what he wants to do and not do, how he prioritizes. But he said this year he’s quitting the job and working fulltime on Podium. So he HAS to see some money this time round. I want to see him make that money too. I feel to do this he’s gotta get all those “marketing features” done right away, so he can legitimately claim he has them, then advertise.


    Well said suges. I’ve made the decision not to put much of an effort into marketing for the first few months, to concentrate on implementing some of the major features.


    i am for solution C, just one buton press when working and many options for different styles… (the closest to freeze)

    be carefull, initialy i was for solution A because i didnt read enough carefull all the sugestions…. being the first mentioned solution it tend to seem the most simplest but it isn’t

    and why not changing the bounce word to freeze? i got crazy searching the net for an app that can freeze busses or groups ….

    being my first post i must thank you for your work (wich fortunately is based on a great IDEA)

    … and dont sell your work to apple when your application will also be
    popular, i mean soon .. šŸ™‚



    I am still debating as to whether or not I should be going ahead with the purchase of the this product. I am still kicking the wheels per se, but over the last couple of weeks haven’t had the time to spend with Podium. So for what it’s worth, here’s my 2 cents.

    Option A sounds to me to be very similar to the current freeze function in Traction (well sort of). For those not familiar with Tracktion, if I want freeze a track, I select the track I want to freeze and hit a freeze button in the transport section. The appplication stops and a render to a temporary file is done. Now if I wanted to feeze a 2nd track, I would go to the track freeze select and again hit the freeze button. The 1st track is re-rendered and then the 2nd track is rendered. If I want to freeze 5 tracks, each of those tracks is re-rendered each time I make change. For example, if I change an effect on track 2. I would have to unfreeze that track make the change and freeze (and all 5 tracks would have to be re-rendered. Not very efficient. The other issue I have with Tracktions freeze is thatwhen I freeze I have to freeze the entire effects chain as well. For example, if I was using a CPU intensive soft synth and I wanted to freeze the synth and still be able to manipulat effect after the synth I can’t do that. Instead I would have to track render and in some instances I actually have to do an export (which is a full render) to get a rendered track. This is really the one thing that drives me crazy with Tracktion.
    What option A has over Tracktion is that due to it hierarchy approach I can freeze just the synth and still be able to work with effects. I would agree that Option C might be problematic due to the cpu resources that would be utilized because isn’t the real purpose of freezing to free up used resources.
    So to me, it seems option B is the best approach.


    @townkat wrote:

    being my first post i must thank you for your work (wich fortunately is based on a great IDEA)

    Thanks, and welcome to the forum.

    The solution I ended up with is a combination of option A and B. You can select ‘render bounce track’ with the track context menu, ctrl+b key shortcut, or ctrl+clicking the B track button. This will render the selected bounce track, even if the track is not record armed, but it will also render any other record armed bounce tracks in one go. That way you decide whether you want to bounce one or multiple tracks, using the same key shortcut.

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