Topic: Option to display Ghost Notes per Clip

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  • #1436

    It would be nice (part of the right click menu) to have the option, per clip, to display or not display the notes of the clip as ghost notes in the midi editor. When I am working on a horn section, it would be nice to only see the notes from the horn parts, and be able to hide the notes from other parts.

    If there is already a way to do this, please educate me.


    How about a “hide muted ghost notes” option in the piano roll region dialog? You would then solo your horn section group track, and then only the horn sequences would be displayed as ghost notes.


    Your approach is excellent, I have the parts isolated (soloed) when I would need this feature. Your idea is much more efficient than a selection on a per clip basis.

    Thank you for your responsiveness. I would (hopefully will) look forward to this feature!


    This is a good option. The piano roll can get very busy very quickly. šŸ™‚


    The option will be available in the next 1.95 release.

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