Topic: Pitchshift slider, and Reverse Hotkey for audio samples

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  • #488

    What I’ve never seen clearly in any DAW (so far), is a pitch knob.

    Let me explain myself :

    You have a Triangle (percussion), that you need to tune with the rest of your song. Most of the time, in the applications, you need to enter a number of semitone (like -1,50 semitones). But the easiest way would be to have, indeed a semitone box :
    PitchShift – [1,50] + Semitones
    (where you can type in the number or hit – or +)

    AND, right below, a fine tune slider (not knob, slider is more precise) :
    Finetune -1 [=====()=====] +1 Semitones

    Another tool of the same category, would be a “reverse” hotkey, like in Acid 5.0 (hit U, and *BAM*… I mean *MAB* your sample is reversed ^^).

    What do you think about these ideas ?
    PS : I didn’t finish my learning curve of Podium’s Demo, so maybe it’s already here (thanx in advance for telling me where if possible ^^)



    I’m assuming you want the pitch shift to be performed on audio and not MIDI notes. To pitch shift audio I will have to implement a pitch shifting DSP algorithm. Good quality pitch shift/time stretch algos are not easy to make, and I would probably try to license one of the existing algos instead of trying to implement it myself. It will be a while before this will happen though.

    The ‘reverse’ mode of an audio event is something I intend to make at some point, but again I cannot promise when it will arrive.


    Alfonso Santimone

    as i am a brain-washed sample destroyer, i’d add

    1. Having a larger pitch shift amount (-/+ 96 halftones)
    2. A ‘classic’ pitch change mode that change the reading rate of the sample altering is lenght according to pitch.
    3. An envelope to control pitch-shift/timestretch/classic pitch-shift

    everything could be at disposal in the arrange window….
    so it will be damn easy to arrange glitchy things πŸ™‚

    reverse πŸ™‚ wow!



    I would love to have a MIDI transpose that I can apply to whole tracks at a time.

    It’s been the case that I’ve got a long way in a track, then realised I can’t actually reach some of the intended top notes (especially for harmonies).. Currently to bring down EVERY track involves going into each clip, select all and drag down. Not a problem but longwinded. It would be nice if when a track gets mapped to a MIDI channel, or VSTi, it could get a Transpose dial. At the mo, since MIDI events sent to host aren’t supported, I cannot insert a MIDI transpose plug to do the job, but a native dial would be far more efficient..

    Sorry, I should have checked the futures list before posting (but didn’t! Is it already there?!)

    Thanks for the current crop of updates Frits! πŸ˜€



    @duncanparsons wrote:

    I would love to have a MIDI transpose that I can apply to whole tracks at a time.

    Yes please! I concur. πŸ˜€


    I have added ‘MIDI key transpose setting in track properties’ to the future plan.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    I have added ‘MIDI key transpose setting in track properties’ to the future plan.

    Thank you thank you thank you!

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