Topic: Plug-ins/Devices suggestions

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  • #1730
    Mike G

    Few suggestions to do with plug-ins/devices…

    Suggestion 1:
    This is what I do all the time…
    -I add a new plug-in DLL file to the “synths” subfolder in my plug-ins folder
    -I do “Devices” | “Import Plug-ins from folder” in podium (Which helpfully picks the plugins folder by default)
    -I now have 2 “Synths” folders and I have to drag my newly added synth into the existing synths folder.
    … can you fix it (Or give me an option to do it this way)

    Suggestion 2:
    This is what I do all the time…
    -I remove several plug ins when I decide I don’t need/want them OR I’ve simply moved them to another folder in my plug-ins subfolders
    -When I load podium the device is red with errors
    -I have to delete all the individual devices
    … can I have a “Delete devices in error” item please?

    Suggestion 3:
    I’m not sure if I think this suggestion is the “evolution” of how devices should work or … if its a bad idea, here goes anyway…
    How about an option in my “project A” that says “when my project opens, auto import the device setup from “project B” (Which in my case would be my one and only template project)

    BTW: Really enjoying using podium 2.05 it’s just excellent.

    Thanks for listening,
    Mike G


    I’ve added a “Select All Broken Plugins” command to the Devices menu. You can then right-click the selection to delete them or move them to a new folder.

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