Topic: Podium and multiout vsti

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  • #2387

    did some thinking and still can’t get my head around this :
    i know how to use multiout vsti ( Poise to name but one ) but i can’t find a way to just use one sequence to feed all tracks of one instrument ( i always use Poise with seperate outs for Kick,Snares,Hats and others )

    ( and i don’t understand the instance idea either 😳 )

    thank you for your insight!


    you mean, using one midi sequence for all the multi-out tracks?

    If so, just put that sequence on one track, the midi is the same and the only thing different is where the audio is routed to.


    i know i can copy the sequence to all the tracks and i know all the copied sequences are updated if i edit one of them but this is a very inconvenient way of working because you end up with loads of redundant sequences …


    I dont really understand what you’re trying to do.

    It sounds like you just want one single midi sequence with multiple outputs.


    that is exactly what i want to do – when i use only one instance of this sequence ( say on the track with output 1 ) i can not solo the track with output 2 and so on…
    or to use other words : how is one supposed to use vstis with multiple outputs ??
    thanx for reading


    Create a separate track with the device set to MIDI IN on the same instance of the VSTi, i.e., don’t put MIDI data on any of the separate out tracks.

    Assume you have only one instance of SomeSynth running. This instance will show up as “SomeSynth #1” in the devices list. Now assume that you have four separate outputs from this instance assigned to tracks 1-4. You should then create a new track which uses the device “SomeSynth #1 MIDI IN 1”, and put all MIDI data on this track.

    EDIT: Oh, and the thing about instances. If VST instruments were hardware instruments, an instance would be one hardware instrument. Every time you put SomeSynth on a track, an instance is created. This would be the real world equivalent of pulling out a hardware synth and connecting it to the mixer in a studio. If you put SomeSynth on another track, this becomes a new instance – the equivalent of pulling out yet another, identical, hardware synth and connecting it to the mixer.


    @bacon : thanx for the instance explanation !! good hint with the additional track but it still does not work 100% the way i want to – while there is only one sequence used for triggering all the outputs i still can’t solo any of the tracks feeding the outputs … the track containing the sequence gets disabled too …


    @michi_mak wrote:

    @bacon : thanx for the instance explanation !!

    np 🙂

    good hint with the additional track but it still does not work 100% the way i want to – while there is only one sequence used for triggering all the outputs i still can’t solo any of the tracks feeding the outputs … the track containing the sequence gets disabled too …

    You need to solo both the separate output track and the MIDI track at the same time. I haven’t found a workaround to this. Still, it’s only a matter of pressing two solo buttons instead of one.


    Enable automatic solo (Alt+S) on the MIDI track!

    Also see this video, it might help. The only difference when using Poise should be that you assign which pad goes to which output yourself, so you can skip renaming the output mappings, like at the start of the video. The shortcut for automatic solo has been changed recently, so forget about Shift+Alt+S, please.


    Thanx to both of you =D>

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