Topic: Podium Crash

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  • #1249
    Piltdown Man


    Podium 1.83 crashed a couple times for me yesterday 🙁

    1. In an arrangement with only audio tracks and probably one instance of LUXONIX LFX-1310: While dragging a sound event, I got the following error message:
    “Podium.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.”

    AppName: podium.exe AppVer: ModName: podium.exe
    ModVer: Offset: 0009084d

    2. In an arrangement with just an instance of Wusikstation: While closing the plugin, I got the following message:
    AppName: podium.exe AppVer: ModName: ntdll.dll
    ModVer: 5.1.2600.2180 Offset: 00001010

    Both times a message informed me that I would find additional information in a file with a name ending in _appcompat.txt located in
    C:Documents and SettingsLocal SettingsTemp
    But I couldn’t find these files. I then performed a complete search on the C drive (including hidden files and folders): No files found with appcompat part of the filename.

    Any ideas?



    1. In an arrangement with only audio tracks and probably one instance of LUXONIX LFX-1310: While dragging a sound event, I got the following error message:

    Did the crash occur while you were still dragging the event, or upon release of the mouse button? Please see if you can reproduce the crash. I doubt it has anything to do with the Luxonix plugin. Although if you search for “Luxonix” on this forum, you’ll see that there have been some problems with the LFX-1310.

    2. In an arrangement with just an instance of Wusikstation: While closing the plugin, I got the following message:

    Is that the latest version of WusikStation? If you have a multiprocssing machine, try disabling the “plugin multiprocessing” option in the Preferences.

    Piltdown Man

    Did the crash occur while you were still dragging the event, or upon release of the mouse button? Please see if you can reproduce the crash.

    I’m not sure. Will see if I can reproduce it.

    I doubt it has anything to do with the Luxonix plugin.

    I doubt it as well. Just thought I should mention it.

    Is that the latest version of WusikStation?

    Should be, I just got it. Have auditioned it quite heavily over the last two weeks and this was the first time anything unpleasant happened in connection to it. Seems to be a mighty fine piece of software 🙂
    Much like Podium, which (apart from these crashes) seems to get better every time I launch it 😀


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