Topic: Podium is best!

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  • #1539
    sam c

    I was with my brother in L.A. and he had a few small sound beds to finish for this kids TV show. They were multiple sets of short rock style tunes, about 20 seconds each. This is not my gig but I did get to write one piece.

    There were four of us each with a laptop, one using Cubase 4, one with SAW, one with PT, and I had Podium. The other three guys had two pieces recorded each and I had one. I spent hours with these guys tweaking these simple short pieces. It was amazing how much time something so simple involved! Everyone agreed that Podium rocked. Honestly almost every single function seemed easier to accomplish in Podium. We had these huge flat screen monitors, bigger than I knew existed, in this film studio so each of us could really see what was going on when the others program was the focus. At one point I put the SAW files into Podium and finished the fade ins and outs in a matter of minutes after this guy just could not quite get it.

    Sometimes I forget how much I like Podium …..but this was a cool reminder.

    Frits, nice work!


    Thanks Sam. That’s a nice story.


    Indeed, sam, that’s a very nice story :). I recommended Podium to quite a few people lately, most of those few who really tried it were VERY much impressed. Even if I use Reaper much too, I find that Podium and R are just wonderful programs!

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