Topic: Post echo send/return to reverb

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  • #558

    This is basicly another “What am I doing wrong?” thread. But before you refer to the manual (RTFM :P), you might wanna read up on this one. You could find the info here useful. πŸ˜‰

    So, here goes. It’s a trick I always do in Reason.
    I’ve made my own tape echo patch in a Combinator. This patch is fed normally from aux 1 on the mixer, but I connect the post-echo signal to a mixer channel instead of an aux return. This way I can then send some of the post-echo signal to the reverb, which gives a nice blend to the echo.

    Now, since Podium rawcks even harder than Reason, it’s obvious I have the desire to apply the same principle in Podium. 8)
    The way I’ve figured it, I need 3 different send/return busses to do this. One for echo, one for reverb and one for echo->reverb.

    I manage to get echo and reverb send/returns working fine. But, when I make the final required mapping, which feeds the reverb from the post-echo signal, the echo return mapping is disabled. But, for a very short period of time, the reverb is actually fed the intended signal from the echo. 😑

    Common sense, logic, and the way the mappings are arranged in the hiarchy tells me there’s no way a feedback loop should occur. Yet still, Podium disables the echo return mapping “as it would feed into itself through a mapping on a previous track. :frustrated:

    So… What am I doing wrong?



    Hi Joachim,

    This sounds like an interesting experiment. I’ve read and reread your post, but still don’t have a clear picture of how you have routed the signal. Could you email me the project file, or a screenshot?


    Hey Frits! πŸ™‚

    I sent an email, reverb and echo effects included, to
    Should have arrived by now.



    The problem was that you had mapped your three mixer send/return pairs to the same mixer bus instance, only offsetting the channels. That is why it is feeding back into itself. You just have to use separate mixer bus instances, and you won’t have this problem. In fact you only need two send/return pairs to do what you want. I have modified your project file and sent it back.

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