Topic: Preview 2.06: Bounce/Freeze

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  • #13347

    OK Frits, when I import it manually I can do it without problems.

    Anyway, this afternoon I’m going to install the Gladiator demo in my main PC, if it works then I’ll contact to Tone2 for support.

    Thx you 🙂


    @Zynewave wrote:

    However, I would still like to hear what the other users think.

    So would I 🙂

    I wish I could be of some help… Unfortunately I just don’t do as much audio work as I used to, I’m busy with uni, and most importantly… The things you’re working on currently I haven’t really come across any needs for, quite possibly due to my lack of activity with audio!

    Only saying this because I feel guilty, I like contributing my opinion to things, but… well yeah. 😛


    @UncleAge wrote:

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Hmm, where do you see the “blank title”? When I show the lane for the blank effect track named “Bounce”, the word Bounce is shown correctly in the track lane header.


    Ok, the blank line in the chain panel. I thought you meant the track lane header title. I’ve changed it so that a dimmed “Bounce” is written in the chain panel (and inspector group panel) if there is no effect assigned on the bounce track.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Pressing the B shortcut key will enable offline bounce mode on a track that is not already bounce enabled.

    Thanks Frits 😀

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’ve changed it so that a dimmed “Bounce” is written in the chain panel (and inspector group panel) if there is no effect assigned on the bounce track.

    Yep, I think it would make it alot clearer. Would it be difficult to have the label, Trackname (Bounced).?

    Also, I think it is a problem that the meter doesn’t jump to the bounced track. I don’t mind changing it but you know, grizzle grizzle 😉

    Additionally, I don’t think that moving the fader to the bounced track is having any effect? I’ve tried several times but I’m sure it’s not working 😕

    I will say that I am a big fan of these changes. My new CPU hungry vst/i(s) mean that I have to be 😥


    Sorry, changing the subject back to a few posts ago:

    @ Frits: Podium crashes via the firewall (ZoneAlarm), i.e. a message from ZoneAlarm pops up asking to allow Podium to connect.
    Most of the time I have my network disconnected (in software) when working in audio as it saves the interrupts going ape and causing clicks etc.

    Just tried it with only Kubik, Cameleon and Atomic as the only VSTi’s loaded and it is still the same, i.e. crashes. I don’t recall any of those causing a problem before.

    Hope the info helps you track down what is happening…


    Beta3 is uploaded. Bug-fixes and:

    • Solo and mute commands are now always applied to the bottom source track in the chain. A muted track will automatically mute all effect tracks in the chain.

    @H-man wrote:

    Also, I think it is a problem that the meter doesn’t jump to the bounced track. I don’t mind changing it but you know, grizzle grizzle 😉

    Good point. In the new beta3 the meters will automatically show the output of the bounce track when bounce is activated. This means you don’t have to change the meter track assignment, and as soon as bounce is decactivated the displayed meters will revert to the configured meter track.

    Additionally, I don’t think that moving the fader to the bounced track is having any effect? I’ve tried several times but I’m sure it’s not working 😕

    The bounce is captured after gain, pan and any level and pan automation is processed. So if the gain and pan controls are on the bounce track they will become inactive when bounce is activated.


    Cool, I look forward to testing this evening.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Beta3 is uploaded. Bug-fixes and:

    • Solo and mute commands are now always applied to the bottom source track in the chain. A muted track will automatically mute all effect tracks in the chain.

    Thx you Frits!!! I’m pretty happy with this! 😀


    The new bounce features are working very nice here! Thanks a lot. I wasn’t able to find a real problem with beta3. Just one small inconsistency.
    Let’s say we have a track with three effects. Bounce is set to offline mode and to the second effect. Pressing B renders the bounce track nicely and we are still able to play with the third effect (which is very cool). We now toggle bouncing to the third effect which removes the old bounce from the bounce track and disables playback. Pressing Ctrl+B will return the old bounce from fx number two and start its playback.
    I think in this case the shortcut Ctrl+B should not be possible since the old bounce doesn’t correspond to the actual settings. This could lead to some confusion (like it did for me 🙂 )


    Again, I like the new changes.

    I did notice that when using the Punch markers to set the bounce range (offline mode …and real-time I think), the bounce process is non-destructive.

    That is, you can bounce bars 4 to 8, change the preset of whatever vsti is loaded on that track and then bounce, say, bars 12-14 with the new sound and you end up with the old sound from the previous render and the new sound.

    Extending this and again using the Punch Markers, it is possible to add a couple of ef-ex to the track, move the bounce to the end of the chain and render another section with effects with out impacting the previously bounced sections.

    I’m not entirely sure but I think that might be brilliant 😯 Maybe this was possible previously but if so, it has transferred seamlessly.

    Now all that remains (to rule them all) is a “Bounce audio and copy event to new track” option 😉


    @H-man wrote:

    Again, I like the new changes.

    I did notice that when using the Punch markers to set the bounce range (offline mode …and real-time I think), the bounce process is non-destructive.

    That is, you can bounce bars 4 to 8, change the preset of whatever vsti is loaded on that track and then bounce, say, bars 12-14 with the new sound and you end up with the old sound from the previous render and the new sound.

    Extending this and again using the Punch Markers, it is possible to add a couple of ef-ex to the track, move the bounce to the end of the chain and render another section with effects with out impacting the previously bounced sections.

    I’m not entirely sure but I think that might be brilliant 😯 Maybe this was possible previously but if so, it has transferred seamlessly.

    Now all that remains (to rule them all) is a “Bounce audio and copy event to new track” option 😉

    I’d really love could do multiple bounces in a same track, and that they could be moved and deleted individually. That’s would be really useful!


    This’ll get some getting used to for me as I don’t need freezing (=conserving CPU power) as much as rendering midi and effects to audio for further editing (=chopping it up). But as long as the bounce track/file can be unhidden it’s all good. 🙂

    I’ll just say that the bounced overlay needs to be visually emphasized more.
    It can be kind of hard to notice with lower volume, which I’d say most people use during mixing:

    Dunno how much work this would be, but maybe the waveform could be tinted with the parent track’s color or the bounce button color?


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    I’ll just say that the bounced overlay needs to be visually emphasized more.
    It can be kind of hard to notice with lower volume, which I’d say most people use during mixing:

    Dunno how much work this would be, but maybe the waveform could be tinted with the parent track’s color or the bounce button color?

    The bounce waveform color now matches the bounce button color, which can be configured in the colors dialog.

    Beta4 is uploaded. Apart from minor bug-fixes, I’ve changed the way that the focus track/chain is colored in the inspector, tracks region and mixer.


    @ronin wrote:

    Let’s say we have a track with three effects. Bounce is set to offline mode and to the second effect. Pressing B renders the bounce track nicely and we are still able to play with the third effect (which is very cool). We now toggle bouncing to the third effect which removes the old bounce from the bounce track and disables playback. Pressing Ctrl+B will return the old bounce from fx number two and start its playback.
    I think in this case the shortcut Ctrl+B should not be possible since the old bounce doesn’t correspond to the actual settings. This could lead to some confusion (like it did for me 🙂 )

    It will be difficult to determine if an existing bounce recording is “out of date” compared to normal playback. In addition to the scenario you describe, it could happen if the bounce sound file is edited or if plugin presets are edited.

    Furthermore the purpose with the command for reenabling an old bounce recording, was to make it possible to compare the older bounce with changes you make to the plugins or to the timeline events. That way you can A/B compare your changes to determine if you should undo your latest changes, or redo the bounce with the changes.


    @Technophobia wrote:

    I can confirm the crashes on the Beta.
    It is on the first load/opening of the day of Podium.

    It wants to connect to the Internet and the Beta crashes if you don’t allow access (sometimes my connection is purposefully disconnected to stop interrupts upsetting the audio).

    I have just tried the last full version (2.05) and though it wants to connect to internet, it does not crash if you don’t allow access, so the problem seems to be with the Beta.
    Even on the Beta, once the first crash has happened and you open it again, it does not seem to want to connect to the internet so it runs fine.

    I do not have Gladiator installed at the moment, so it is not that causing the problem. I have Kubik, Ogun, Morphine, Cameleon and Atomic installed at present.

    Using Win XP with Dual core, if that helps. Any other info you need, let me know.

    When does it try to connect? During plugin scanning on new project creation, or when powering on an arrangement?

    If Podium tries to connect immediately after startup, then it’s nothing to do with plugins. There is nothing in the Podium code that tries to access the internet, unless your project file links to sound files located on the internet 😉

    In addition to your firewall, do you have some kind of spyware removal tool activated?

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