WOW Frits! 😯 Very very well done! =D>
You certainly take a right step now. Congrats =D>
Hopefully you now move on mixer and how it handle plugins.
The editor bar is a great idea!
Overlapping menus / tooltips:
Buggy Beta?
I think one of the betas possibly no. 3 messed up my Podium set up. 🙁
I have 2.19 on the same machine and when I used it (after using a Podium 2.20 beta) all my projects loaded up straight into… the Event List.:-s
I thought I would just reinstall 2.19, no difference. Delete every trace of Podium on my hard drive then re-install. Still no difference. Same issue with projects loading straight in the event view. At this point I was getting a bit desperate. Never had these issues with Podium before. The default set up removed the Event List Loading problem but it messed up my carefully constructed “Complete set up” that I put together some time ago as everything was now in a default state.
I then had to go to appdata and delete the Zynewave folder there. That appears to have been the folder that needed to be deleted in the first place.#-o
If you can give a warning of sorts with a certain beta (you have in the past) that would help thanks!
Video Suggestion:
In the video there are no less than 5 red flashes in Podiums CPU meter eek! Just moving a few things here and there AFAICT caused it. I remember you correctly picked out from the CMM DVD with 1.77 on it that there was a lot of “red” on it. Missing mappings IIRC. Does not look good. That was not your fault of course.
In this case… I am assuming that either thcilnnahoj produced that track on a much more powerful PC than the one you used for the demo video or his project is just extremely CPU hungry…if it is the latter it may not be the best way to demo Podium in a video or as a demo project shipped with Podium as few will be able o play it without getting multiple red flashes on their CPU meter. Probably not the best way to demo Podium. Maybe a stripped down version of thcilnnahoj’s project would work better.
Zooming: It would have been much better if you could zoom in. Some aspects were a bit small on screen. Does BB Flash not allow zooming?
You zipped through the new 2.20 features really well. 😉
Looks like I’m the only one who has some gripes. 😉
Here’s a question to everyone: How is your personal workflow going to be like now – will you switch over from the Tracks page to the Editor and Mixer page only when you need them, or will you stay on those pages and minimize the editor/mixer (F keys) when you’re not using them. If it’s the latter, then what is the point of the Tracks page anyway? It can’t be those few pixels you gain from removing the little editor/mixer bar. Or do you not use keyboard shortcuts at all?
My answer: Prior to 2.20 I kept both editor and mixer minimized and opened/closed them with F6/F7 only when I needed them. In the 2.20 default setup, I can’t do that anymore. I now have to use the mouse to switch between their respective profile pages. And then I can only ever open/close one or the other (depending on which page I’m on) with the F keys. Add to that, if I want to change, for example, the ‘track color opacity setting’, I have to do that in three different profiles now for it to look consistent.
@Conquistador wrote:
I think one of the betas possibly no. 3 messed up my Podium set up. 🙁
I have 2.19 on the same machine and when I used it (after using a Podium 2.20 beta) all my projects loaded up straight into… the Event List.:-s
I had that happen, too. But I just loaded the 2.19 default setup and then my user setup afterwards and it worked fine again.
@thcilnnahoj wrote:
I see that you use a higher resolution now, it’s strange that it doesn’t fill the YouTube window, however. Is it not 16:9? Ehh, also something very, very minor: You might want to check your YouTube user picture, as it is a victim of bad resizing done by YouTube. It says max. 88×88 px, I think, but with the new channel layout it’s actually only ever used at 60×60!
I updated my video driver, which enabled me to record the screencast at 1440×900 (16:10) fullscreen. I have also tried recording a 1600×900 area of my 1600×1200 screen, which I may decide to use for other videos.
I can’t see how I can avoid that YouTube shows a smaller 60×60 image. The 88×88 image is shown further down on the page. The image I uploaded was at 256×256.
@Conquistador wrote:
@Zynewave wrote:
Beta4 is up, with extensions to the new editor bar. I think I’m done working on this feature, unless you have further suggestions.
Note really a suggestion as such but a question. Will this bar be visible by default?
2.20 will not change your current setup. You’ll need to use “load default setup” to get the new layout with the editor bar.
I’ve uploaded a video on YouTube that demonstrates the new 2.20 features:
The demo showcases one of the best new features in Podium for years IMO. Something that simplifies the previously somewhat complex “Editor Profile Properties” The Editor Bar is a far more simplified way to tap into that power. Brilliant.
=D> I noticed you had two listings for Toolbars around 2:10 into the video why is that?
The new editor bar is just an element you can add to any toolbar, so the remaining toolbar at 2:10 in the video is the toolbar that holds the editor bar.
@Zynewave wrote:
I can’t see how I can avoid that YouTube shows a smaller 60×60 image. The 88×88 image is shown further down on the page. The image I uploaded was at 256×256.
Maybe I’m blind… but where? The small picture at the top is 36×36 px and the one above your profile information is 60×60 pixels, and when I grab the original, that’s 88×88 px large – your 256 was resized by YouTube, I would say. I’m saying that it further resizes the 88 px image to 60 px, resulting in jaggy edges. Again, it’s a very minor matter. 🙂
@thcilnnahoj wrote:
Looks like I’m the only one who has some gripes. 😉
thcilnnahoj… 🙂
I think at some point or another each of us have found ourselves on the other side of what seemingly everyone else wants. It just showcases how differently we like to work and how Podium can accommodate different workflows… As for 2.20…maybe some sort of optional behavior can be suggested to suite your workflow?
Here’s a question to everyone: How is your personal workflow going to be like now – will you switch over from the Tracks page to the Editor and Mixer page only when you need them
Likely. Very likely here. I would not mind the Big transport visible all the time though…
, or will you stay on those pages and minimize the editor/mixer (F keys) when you’re not using them. If it’s the latter, then what is the point of the Tracks page anyway? It can’t be those few pixels you gain from removing the little editor/mixer bar. Or do you not use keyboard shortcuts at all?
Nope. Don’t use them. I would guess most users would not know what keyboard shortcuts to use when trying the demo. This way they can *see* what to do quickly without reading anything about the features. It’s just too obvious now. Can’t miss it. A master stroke of a feature from Frits. Incredible even. Somehow it adds that central focus element from Trackion but in a unique Podium way.
My answer: Prior to 2.20 I kept both editor and mixer minimized and opened/closed them with F6/F7 only when I needed them. In the 2.20 default setup, I can’t do that anymore. I now have to use the mouse to switch between their respective profile pages. And then I can only ever open/close one or the other (depending on which page I’m on) with the F keys. Add to that, if I want to change, for example, the ‘track color opacity setting’, I have to do that in three different profiles now for it to look consistent.
What do you suggest then? :-k
I am really having fun with these buttons… So easy to switch views and every thing is so neat and tidy not sure of any other way to put it. 😛
Some more suggestions..
1. I think the Editor bar has huge potential beyond its current implementation. User configurable buttons perhaps that open more than one view.
2. Save Bar: This lets you save a default Editor Bar config that you can load up in any project giving you different Editor bar states for different arrangements in the same project for instance. This option could appear at the bottom of the current right click menu for the Editor bar buttons.
3. Surely Frits this could be extended in some way to configure the tracks view. (IIRC there are ways to change the tracks view in the Editor profile???) Configure your track state (look and feel of the tracks hierarchy) and right click to save? …see point 2.
4. Lock a button. This would allow for instance the Big time view to be seen while a user clicks on other buttons in the Editor Bar. Available via right clicking on the button. Would love that.
The Editor Profile is now far more accessible so quite a few possibilities have now opened up.
@Conquistador wrote:
What do you suggest then? :-k
Further work on the way these buttons function, maybe to make them work more like tabs, instead of switching to a whole different profile. As it is in Logic or Reaper, I think, or like I suggested on page 4.
I know I can keep my old setup, but I want to voice my opinion that with this new setup, at least the F keys might get a little impractical to use (for people who do use them). And I hope that Frits can appreciate all comments, positive and negative. 😆
@Conquistador wrote:
Overlapping menus / tooltips:
No. It’s always been like that.
Buggy Beta?
I think one of the betas possibly no. 3 messed up my Podium set up. 🙁
I have 2.19 on the same machine and when I used it (after using a Podium 2.20 beta) all my projects loaded up straight into… the Event List.:-s
If you can give a warning of sorts with a certain beta (you have in the past) that would help thanks!
Sorry I did not anticipate this. It happens because 2.20 now automatically detects the profile type by looking at the regions included in the profile, and so it no longer writes the profile type to the Podium.ini file. Loading this Podium.ini in 2.19 will then not supply the profile type that 2.19 still needs. I’ll mention this warning in the release note.
Zooming: It would have been much better if you could zoom in. Some aspects were a bit small on screen. Does BB Flash not allow zooming?
There is an auto-scroll option in the BB export dialog, where I can specify a smaller area of the video and keep the mouse in the center. I’ve just tried this, but it does not work well in this video where the mouse is moving all over the screen. I can use it if I create a video for a feature that concentrates on a small area of the screen.
@Zynewave wrote:
2.20 will not change your current setup. You’ll need to use “load default setup” to get the new layout with the editor bar.
Yes the final release and indeed other previous releases don’t change the default set up but I was using one of the 2.20 betas with a full 2.19 install on the same PC.
The new editor bar is just an element you can add to any toolbar, so the remaining toolbar at 2:10 in the video is the toolbar that holds the editor bar.
Ok…I get it now. Thanks. 🙂
@Zynewave wrote:
Sorry I did not anticipate this. It happens because 2.20 now automatically detects the profile type by looking at the regions included in the profile, and so it no longer writes the profile type to the Podium.ini file. Loading this Podium.ini in 2.19 will then not supply the profile type that 2.19 still needs. I’ll mention this warning in the release note.
Thats it. That was the cause then. Thanks for the clarification. 🙂
There is an auto-scroll option in the BB export dialog, where I can specify a smaller area of the video and keep the mouse in the center. I’ve just tried this, but it does not work well in this video where the mouse is moving all over the screen. I can use it if I create a video for a feature that concentrates on a small area of the screen.
Ok cool. Just thought I would mention it. 😉
@thcilnnahoj wrote:
@Zynewave wrote:
I can’t see how I can avoid that YouTube shows a smaller 60×60 image. The 88×88 image is shown further down on the page. The image I uploaded was at 256×256.
Maybe I’m blind… but where? The small picture at the top is 36×36 px and the one above your profile information is 60×60 pixels, and when I grab the original, that’s 88×88 px large – your 256 was resized by YouTube, I would say. I’m saying that it further resizes the 88 px image to 60 px, resulting in jaggy edges. Again, it’s a very minor matter. 🙂
You’re right. I didn’t check the actual pixel size on the page, so I assumed you meant the top one was 60×60. As I said, I uploaded a 256×256 image, so I can’t see how I can affect what YouTube does with this.