Topic: Preview 2.21: More UI improvements

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  • #16252

    @Zynewave wrote:

    • Moved the browser page tab next to the inspector tab. Selecting either the inspector or the browser will automatically hide the other.

    Frits I’m not sure about this, but I honestly think that this new behaviour is a little uncomfortable. When you allow the drag&drop from browser to plugins it could be interesting have both, inspector and browser, visible. I know, you can open a new browser windows, but I don’t like work with floating windows. I liked more the browser at right, maybe you could consider keep it as an option.

    Anyway I’ll survive 🙂

    Please, remember the mixer colours (maybe i should wait that you work in the mixer). Thanks for those releases, i love the gui improvement 🙂


    A minor request, please could you delay 0.5 seconds the auto-hide/show of the title bar? I think it would feel more solid 😉


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    @Zynewave wrote:

    • Moved the browser page tab next to the inspector tab. Selecting either the inspector or the browser will automatically hide the other.

    Frits I’m not sure about this, but I honestly think that this new behaviour is a little uncomfortable. When you allow the drag&drop from browser to plugins it could be interesting have both, inspector and browser, visible. I know, you can open a new browser windows, but I don’t like work with floating windows. I liked more the browser at right, maybe you could consider keep it as an option.

    My reasons for doing this:

    Simplification. Having both the inspector and browser page tabs next to each other makes it easier to understand what they do, compared to the project/arrangement tabs.

    Users have commented on the forum that they would prefer the inspector and browser to be one panel instead. With this new layout the two panels act like one panel.

    I concluded that it is very rare that you would need to have both open at the same time. Furthermore it’s only on large screen resolutions that there is room to have both panels open at the same time.


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    A minor request, please could you delay 0.5 seconds the auto-hide/show of the title bar? I think it would feel more solid 😉

    I can delay the hiding of the bar. I don’t think it would make sense to delay the menu bar pop up. Btw. I’m now calling it “menu bar” instead of “title bar”.


    Thanks Frits, i wanted to mean the showing of menu bar, the hiding doesn’t matter 🙂


    I had both the inspector and browser open all the time (but then I have a huge screen, so I could “waste” the space)
    I suppose I’ll get used to the new behaviour.

    Personally I’d love to see the inspector evolve to something like the mixerstrip of the currently selected track (like in logic or ext) and have all the other functionality move to the browser. I feel that studio 1 handled this very nicely. But that’s food for another topic.


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Thanks Frits, i wanted to mean the showing of menu bar, the hiding doesn’t matter 🙂

    Ok, so it’s the opposite of what I thought you meant. Why do you want to delay the showing? Is it because you often accidentally move the mouse to the top when reaching for the inspector/browser tabs?


    Is there a key shortcut to open/close the browser pane?



    @Zynewave wrote:

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Thanks Frits, i wanted to mean the showing of menu bar, the hiding doesn’t matter 🙂

    Ok, so it’s the opposite of what I thought you meant. Why do you want to delay the showing? Is it because you often accidentally move the mouse to the top when reaching for the inspector/browser tabs?

    Yeah, and the navigator (in my own setup). Thanks 🙂


    @Zynewave wrote:


    • Added a title bar at the top of the project window. This holds the menu buttons that previously were placed between the inspector and project page tabs.

    THANK YOU! 🙂

    I always felt the previous UI placement for those menu buttons overlapped other buttons. They look perfectly placed now. 🙂 The auto hide is so subtle but very clever.

    • Moved the browser page tab next to the inspector tab. Selecting either the inspector or the browser will automatically hide the other.

    Brilliant. Right next to each other and now far more accessible. It may be an idea though to allow for the browser to be moved to the left or right of the Podium UI should a user wish to move it. Samplitude 11’s browser can be dragged to the left edge, top, bottom or right edge of the UI.

    I am more than happy where it is in Beta 2 and 3. I think it really simplifies the UI Navigation and highlights the browser much more. But for Liquid project and others who might want to see the browser and the Inspector at the same time an option for them would I am sure be welcomed.

    But I love the current placement. 🙂

    Podium has such a modern look now. I just wish that setting up drum plugs and using kits was much easier….its so far behind the rest of the UI now. Too far I would say. The drum midi editor needs more UI additions badly. 🙁

    Personally I’d love to see the inspector evolve to something like the mixerstrip of the currently selected track (like in logic or ext) and have all the other functionality move to the browser. I feel that studio 1 handled this very nicely. But that’s food for another topic.

    Interesting point. Maybe plugins in the browser and the Inspector Group panel for pure track controls including a large meter. I would not mind that!


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Beta 3:

    • The title bar has an auto-hide option button when the window is maximized. When auto-hide is enabled the title bar can be shown by moving the mouse cursor to the top of the screen.

    Doesn’t retain the option setting between sessions though.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’m now going to start on the main 2.21 feature, which will be a new track toolbar. In the default setup it will sit right below the navigator.

    Hmmm, let me ask… Do you have anything else planned then for the big empty space right above the track headers?

    No, not besides the display of the marker name, tempo, time-sig and scale info that is currently displayed there. You’re of course free to remove the track toolbar, or move it directly above the tracks region. I think the track filter feature will justify using up space for the new track toolbar, but I need to experiment with that.

    That’s too bad… I’m just guessing here, but I think more users would like to have a few useful buttons there instead of the info text. At least I don’t think it’s that important. Then again, it might even be a bit of a problem due to Podium’s design, assuming that the whole horizontal line is one region and cannot be easily split…?

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    I’m also not keen on the bean-shaped 80’s sci-fi device look and placement of the transport bar elements. This time there’s no way to keep the old setup, so I guess I’ll have to get used to it…?

    Specify please: Is it the fact that the buttons are no longer rectangular, that they are joined in a button bar, that the elements in the toolbar have been rearranged?

    The placement is actually clever, as we’ve come to expect from you, but it’s just against the standards everyone’s used to even from old tape machines.
    What I dislike more is the shape. With those buttons rounded on only one side, the icons look like they’re not at the center of the buttons. Just an optical illusion, probably. I can get the nice old round look back by adding in spaces in toolbars – just not in the transport bar. I really liked the rectangular buttons. However, I’d be very happy if they at least were all round like the new power button instead of bean-shapes when separated with spaces (that would probably require a bit smaller icons).
    Otherwise I’ll probably go with a no-transport-bar setup when I decide to upgrade, since I mostly use the keyboard for the functions on there anyway.

    The menu bar simply takes away from Podium’s aesthetics, but that’s just IMO. Auto-hide is acceptable, but will also take some getting used to.
    For example, when I want to open the inspector/browser with the mouse, I usually move the cursor in a big motion to the upper edge of the screen, since it doesn’t matter if I overshoot the target there. Now I have to either be more careful and stop early, or move down a little so the bar can hide again – but not too far down, or the cursor won’t land on the button when the bar disappears… 🙄 It’ll be fine when you’re accustomed to it, but right now it’s annoying.
    Also, I can’t stand it if everything that’s on screen just jumps around… That’s why I’m keeping only one timeline region instead of the default four – don’t like my arrangement jumping up and down all the time when switching on loop/punch modes.

    I think the labels for the top buttons in the inspector, “Group” and “Color” could be misleading to unfamiliar users. Without the help text you could quite easily think “Uh, so do I click this button to make this into a group track? And this one to enable track colors?” They’d still fit into the minimum horizontal size of the inspector if they said “group panel” and “color picker” or similar, without ambiguity.

    I feel kind of bad because I only have negative opinions and nit-picking to give again. 🙁 I guess it’s best not to worry about it if everyone else is happy. 😛 I’m still eagerly awaiting the track toolbar…


    Hmm, it’s difficult to keep everybody happy when changing the UI design.

    Beta 4 (the anti-bean-button edition):

    • The stop, play and record toolbar buttons are now circular shaped like most other toolbar buttons.

    • Added “slice button” and “stretch button” elements to the toolbar dialog. Placing the slice element before or after a button will make the button side rectangular instead of rounded. Placing one or more stretch elements after a button will widen the button.

    • Added an apply button to the toolbar dialog.

    I don’t know if “slice button” is understandable. Let me know if you have a better description.


    @kingtubby wrote:

    Is there a key shortcut to open/close the browser pane?

    Not yet. F1-F5 opens the panels in the inspector, so I’m tempted to reassign F6 to open/close the browser. F6 is currently assigned to the embedded editor, and F7 to the mixer. The new default setup introduced in 2.20 no longer has both the editor and mixer in the same profile, so it would be cleaner to reassign F7 to open/close the first resizable panel found in the profile. That may distress users that still use the old layout with both the embedded editor and mixer in the same profile. What say the community: Reassign F6 to browser, and reassign F7 to either editor/mixer?


    @Zynewave wrote:

    That may distress users that still use the old layout with both the embedded editor and mixer in the same profile. What say the community: Reassign F6 to browser, and reassign F7 to either editor/mixer?

    Over here! 8-[
    Aww, I really have no luck, do I! 😆 Just as I’m about to say I’m happy with the round buttons you present me this.
    I seriously do not like the profile bar… Still, I can see the results of this vote, so let me try to propose something: allow the user to assign F7 and F8 to switch to a profile of their choice. What good is the profile rotation currently assigned to F8 anyway now, with the profile bar and all.

    By the way, when you switch from a profile that has an editor profile bar to one that doesn’t while hovering the mouse over it, prompting the pop-up help, the help bubble gets stuck.

    And it would be nice if you could group elements in the region properties with ctrl/shift-click and move them up/down together. At the moment, it moves only the element last selected.

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