Topic: Preview 2.36: Extended UI and mixer resizing.

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  • #19266

    I did a little stress test now – even at 95+% CPU use (according to Windows task manager), moving windows like a madman and opening dropdown menus didn’t stop the GUI from updating (apart from the hickups mentioned in the above post). The meters went out of sync with playback, but the play cursor bravely kept up.

    Other things:

    – The right-click menus on the loop/punch/etc. regions now show options for all regions. Intentional, I assume.

    – The name of sequences is pushed downwards as you increase global button size. Probably also intentional, so that it’s centered on minimized strips?

    – With the round corners gone on selector buttons, it has become even harder to see the line when you’re dragging effects with some color schemes. It seems the color of the line changes automatically depending on the panel background color…

    Comparison (my theme, Nightfall, Paper):

    Maybe it could be drawn on top of selectors?

    – (Not related to 2.36) Likewise, the color of the event resize overlay box thing (you know what I mean) is also chosen depending on some background color, making it very hard to see sometimes. The move and time-stretch overlays are always black, it seems, which works much better for me.

    – (Not related to 2.36) With the select tool, left-clicking shortly after selecting a menu option that closes the right-click menu results in an event being added. Looks like Podium sees it as the second click of a double-click for some reason. This happens sometimes because I often just click somewhere to deselect events.



    Bounce enabling a track will now create a dedicated bounce track in the effect chain, instead of enabling bounce mode on an existing effect track. The bounce track will show up with a “Bounce” button in the chain, which can be clicked to open the bounce menu. The bounce extraction point can be set by dragging the bounce track up or down in the chain.

    MIDI channel reset messages are now only sent to MIDI interface channels that have previously been used. This greatly reduces the total number of reset messages sent on playback start.


    Nice! Some findings:

    – If a track doesn’t have any effects, the bounce track is created on the parent track instead of the selected track, and nothing is rendered.

    – Enabling bouncing on a track doesn’t show the B button on the mixer strip, so you can’t see its state there.

    – If you press B on a muted track, a bounce track is created, but it doesn’t render anything. I don’t know if bouncing should override the mute state, but it could be a little confusing the way it is.

    – Another one, not related to 2.36: Using Ctrl+C&V on a track in the mixer doesn’t copy the track (even though it’s set as active selection in the mixer) whenever a sequence or tempo/marker event is selected as well. It copies the sequence (which only has inactive selection) instead.

    If there are free keys left (Shift+B?), I think it’d be nice to have a key shortcut to enable real-time bouncing straight away.


    Yes, the bounce track is created on the parent or master track and nothing is rendered.

    No crackles on playback start with the changed MIDI behavior. 😀


    Maybe it’s in your plan already, but the same shorctus you use for effects slots (Shift-Click to bypass, Alt-Click to delete) should work in the bounce slots.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    – If a track doesn’t have any effects, the bounce track is created on the parent track instead of the selected track, and nothing is rendered.

    Fixed in the new beta8. It was a last minute code change that I forgot to test.

    – Enabling bouncing on a track doesn’t show the B button on the mixer strip, so you can’t see its state there.

    The new Bounce button in the effect chain should show the bounce state. Unless the effect chain is hidden, the redundant B button is hidden to save vertical space. Isn’t it enough with the bounce indicator in the effect chain?

    – Another one, not related to 2.36: Using Ctrl+C&V on a track in the mixer doesn’t copy the track (even though it’s set as active selection in the mixer) whenever a sequence or tempo/marker event is selected as well. It copies the sequence (which only has inactive selection) instead.

    I’ll fix that.


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Maybe it’s in your plan already, but the same shorctus you use for effects slots (Shift-Click to bypass, Alt-Click to delete) should work in the bounce slots.

    Alt+Click will unassign the device mapping on a track. It does not delete the track. The bounce track does not have a device assigned, so I’m not sure if Alt+click would make sense there. Likewise, there is no device to bypass.

    Note that if you select the “show bypass buttons” mixer option, a “B” button will appear instead of an “X” button on bounce tracks.


    Alt+Click could delete the previous bounce file. Sometimes I want just bounce a part (Alt+B) of a track again and after one complete bounce the partial bounce does not work for me, the complete track is always bounced when using Alt+B. Or is there anything I’m doing wrong here?


    @Zynewave wrote:

    – Enabling bouncing on a track doesn’t show the B button on the mixer strip, so you can’t see its state there.

    The new Bounce button in the effect chain should show the bounce state. Unless the effect chain is hidden, the redundant B button is hidden to save vertical space. Isn’t it enough with the bounce indicator in the effect chain?

    Hmm, I guess, though it’s not as clear that a track is configured for bouncing when the only indication is an effects slot, compared to the aligned B buttons. You also can’t use key shortcuts the bounce selectors, it seems. Edit: Missed the post about the bypass buttons. I usually don’t use them, though…

    @swindus wrote:

    Alt+Click could delete the previous bounce file. Sometimes I want just bounce a part (Alt+B) of a track again and after one complete bounce the partial bounce does not work for me, the complete track is always bounced when using Alt+B. Or is there anything I’m doing wrong here?

    It’s working as expected over here… Are you sure you set a punch range before pressing Alt+B?


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    @Zynewave wrote:

    – Enabling bouncing on a track doesn’t show the B button on the mixer strip, so you can’t see its state there.

    The new Bounce button in the effect chain should show the bounce state. Unless the effect chain is hidden, the redundant B button is hidden to save vertical space. Isn’t it enough with the bounce indicator in the effect chain?

    Hmm, I guess, though it’s not as clear that a track is configured for bouncing when the only indication is an effects slot, compared to the aligned B buttons. You also can’t use key shortcuts the bounce selectors, it seems. Edit: Missed the post about the bypass buttons. I usually don’t use them, though…

    I’ve changed it so that the ‘B’ buttons only disappear if the “show bypass buttons” option is enabled.


    I’ve updated some of the guide chapters with the 2.36 changes. I’ll do some testing tomorrow, and if no new bugs appears, I’ll probably release 2.36 in a day or two.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    @swindus wrote:

    Alt+Click could delete the previous bounce file. Sometimes I want just bounce a part (Alt+B) of a track again and after one complete bounce the partial bounce does not work for me, the complete track is always bounced when using Alt+B. Or is there anything I’m doing wrong here?

    It’s working as expected over here… Are you sure you set a punch range before pressing Alt+B?

    Working here when I enable record after defining a punch range. I always thought that defining a punch range would be enough.


    Setting a punch range is indeed enough – enabling recording mode isn’t required for the ‘render within punch range’ function. Very strange…


    When I create a new arrangement with a new midi track with a VST instrument and a new sequence with midi notes and then select the half length of the sequence for the punch range Alt+B renders the complete sequence/track.
    After undoing the bounce and enabling the record mode Alt+B renders the punch range.
    From this point on Alt+B renders the punch range without enabling record mode. So it seems that the punch range rendering does not work correct on e new track/sequence without enabling the record mode at least once(?).

    The strange thing is sometimes it works and sometimes not.


    @swindus wrote:

    When I create a new arrangement with a new midi track with a VST instrument and a new sequence with midi notes and then select the half length of the sequence for the punch range Alt+B renders the complete sequence/track.
    After undoing the bounce and enabling the record mode Alt+B renders the punch range.
    From this point on Alt+B renders the punch range without enabling record mode. So it seems that the punch range rendering does not work correct on e new track/sequence without enabling the record mode at least once(?).

    Thanks, I’m fixing this currently. It was a problem when using the Alt+B key shortcut, when the track was not already bounce enabled.

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