Topic: Preview 3.4: Codebase rewrite

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  • #42245

    ngl i had to pay a second time to get a single update tho and my second is now expired so i’ll never get 3.5
    with this release schedule of updates i feel like the system of upgrade period makes no sense, instead it should be like “getting all 3.x upgrades until 4.x” or just lifetime updates like fl

    i don’t feel like paying a third time for the “chance” to get access to a single update

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by SeleDreams.

    I plan to increase the frequency of Podium releases in 2022. Your Podium license is still valid after the upgrade period expires. There is a small discount if you renew the upgrade period before it expires, but you can renew it any time in the future when there are new Podium features that you may find useful.


    i guess but if we look at it comparatively to other daws of the same pricing type, there’s reaper that gives all updates for two major versions for a single purchase of 60$ and there’s tracktion waveform pro giving all updates of a major version, both release frequent updates

    i feel like the fixed time system isn’t really good because it doesn’t guarantee any actual benefit compared to the major update type


    Major version upgrades are traditionally being developed on an independent branch, separate from the work being done on minor feature and bug-fix updates to the current major version. Podium development is all done on one branch/timeline, and my aim is to implement and release feature updates gradually. So the major.minor.revision version numbering is somewhat misleading for Podium. I’ve been considering adopting the date based versioning scheme (“21.9”, “21.9.1”, “22.2” etc.).

    Andy Forber

    Is there any scope for a limited trial of 3.4 for those out of license? I half moved away from Podium due to stability issues, but I’m glad to see that you’re back working on it again.

    My current main DAW is pretty good stability and feature wise, but I know Podium shortcuts like the back of my hand. If it’s improved as much as you say it has, I wouldn’t hesitate to renew my license.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Andy Forber.

    Hi Andy. I’ve just uploaded the demo version of the latest 3.4.1 release. The download link is on the Podium product page. If you want to do more extensive stability testing then send me a mail and I can give you access to the latest full version. If you find stability issues with Podium I would like to get them fixed.

    Andy Forber

    I know it’s been a while now.
    Life happened. Anyway, happy to say that the stability of Podium is much better! I have had a few crashes, but these have been from some random vsts wench I have removed and it runs lovely. I can’t say I’ve stress tested it, but it seems to be able to handle the same projects easier than it did before.

    Personally, I prefer the original main page, where all the projects were in a list on the left then arrangements in the middle. The tile theme, I just can’t get on with. Perhaps an idea to have a preference?

    Either way, happy to see that Podium is back in action! Good job so far 👍

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Andy Forber.
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