Topic: Problem with small Midi plug icon

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  • #1696

    Hi Frits

    I have a small problem with my ESI M4U Miditerminal as shown in the Inspector and on the Track.
    At the moment I have Midi 2, 3 and 4 interfaces shown with a Midi plug icon but number 1 is shown with an Fx icon. I have looked everywhere I can think of to try to change this so that it is the same icon as the others, but to no avail. 😕
    Is there somewhere I can change this as it does look a little confusing.

    Also, the device itself is listed as USB audio device 1, [2], [3] & [4] in the properties . Can that be changed or is it part of the information that Podium gets when it requests the Midi devices attached (why the brackets around the numbers, my Fireface 400 just lists the Midi interface numbers as 1 & 2?).

    Minor annoyances I know, but annoyances to me at least.

    I am just trying to tidy up my setup of Podium to have it as least confusing as possible and these differences just serve to add brief confusion as to what is going where.


    You should set the “MIDI output interface” to “” to get rid of the fx icon.

    The interface names you see in the list box are the names reported by the Windows driver system.


    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you Frits, been away this last week.

    I tried setting the output interface to none, it did not make any differance…

    Also tried to deselect the interface as an input/output option in setup, no difference.

    Any idea what is going on here.


    Compare the properties between your “M4U MIDI 1” and “M4U MIDI 2” mappings. There must be some setting in MIDI 1 that should be cleared. Check that you have left the audio interface setting to as well.


    It seems to have cleared and reset itself to the right icon now that I have rebooted Windows and gone from “None” in the Midi Input interface dialog back to “USB Audio Device.”

    I did try doing all the above and more without the reboot and nothing changed…Strange that this did not seem to want to clear until a reboot, however, it’s sorted now.

    Thanks for your help Frits. 🙂

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