Topic: Problem with Voxengo MSED

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  • #2587

    Hi Frits and others,

    I’m experiencing a problem with Voxengo MSED. I have a L/R stereo track which I have to convert/mix in M/S. MSED unfortunately always looses its settings (e.g. mid mute gets toggled off) when playback is restarted or any track is soloed. Can someone please test this? MSED is a freebie.


    No problem running Voxengo MSED. I can’t reproduce any odd behaviour.

    Can’t you just delete and re-import the plugin and see if that solves it?


    Odd indeed. I’ve set up a new project again without any imported plugins (except MSED of course) and voilà: it works perfectly. I’ll try to reproduce this problem with a clean project.


    I updated from an earlier version of ToneBoosters ‘Track Essentials’ and after that I run into some problem, similar to yours, where the plugins (EQ) reset every time I pressed play. Delete and re-import the plugins solved it 😉


    It’s because Podium sets up for each parameter, and if you don’t reimport plugins that have added parameters or changed some of their internal structure, Podium assumes the plugin will have the same structure.

    As a habit, if I update a plugin, I try to make sure to reimport it (just in case) in my template project, so I can reimport a correct plugin set every time.

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