Topic: Problems with library presets…

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  • #2262

    Hi there…

    unfortunately the manual is very short on informations how to use this feature correctly…

    What I like to do:
    Plugins like Nexus have only one preset at a time available (without the internal browser) and I would like to built library presets for Podiums inspector manually, sorting them in different folders like ARP, BASS… and would like to have them (the library in the inspector of the used track) loaded everytime I insert Nexus in a new track…

    Can someone please explain (in an easy way please 🙂 ) step by step how I should do this…
    I tried myself, but failed as I tried to sort them in folders and in complete I don´t get this whole workflow with library presets…



    The current library preset system is an old design that I intend to revise in a future update. Currently a library preset can be assigned to a track, which can mess up the plugin program selection when used with global plugins. I plan to change this so that library presets are not assignable to the track, but is only used for loading the preset data into the current plugin instance.

    If you have been organizing your library presets into folders, you need to ensure that the new subfolders you create are still children of the plugin device definition object.


    Ok, i must say, that I don´t understand a single word …:-)

    But if you plan to revise it, it doesn´t matter…

    Perhaps you could think about that:

    I personally wonder a lot, why quite clever plugins like NI Kore don´t get any competition…I don´t care about the controller, but the idea of the plugin is quite needful for people like me…

    The idea to have one single plugin to reach all presets of any plugins categorized by the tag system is imho the easiest way to deal fairly with the tons of presets, modern plugins offer these days as well as it´s advantages for sounddesign…

    Steinberg tried something like this with their mediabay, but its only half done and only work for one single plugin at a time…as well as Wusik VM, which uses also folders and subfolders instead of tagging and remember the browser of Omnisphere…

    Back to Podium:

    You would like to revise the preset library system, Podium doesn´t support midi plugins at the moment, energyXT doesn´t offer any tagging or categorizing and Kore is quite heavy on Ram load and overbloated by its controller editing and automating system (not to mention, that it is quite expensive), Abletons Lives Rack system is internal as well as Reasons Combinator (the mother of that all, beside energyXT as a plugin)…

    So why not taking the best of every world…instead of “only” changing the library preset thingy from track to plugin based, go one step ahead and built up a little lightweighted “mini subhost”, that offers preset tagging, combining midi plugins, instruments and effects (all vst based, no need for internal FX like Kore has) in one preset to be able to save stacked, arpeggiated or fx tweaked sounds in one single file and steppin through a user based preset library by a single mouseclick on a preset name, without any need of navigating up and down through zillions of folders and sub folders, which simulate a poor tagging system…

    I don´t know how other people work, but for me, I often got lost in the preset jungle and wish a good and light solution to handle this disaster from a universal platform…

    I think the idea of the Kore plugin (again, without the controller) is completely right…to think in terms of sounds you need and not in plugins…

    Please think a little about this…it would solve some issues with Podium, would add a lot of comfort in preset browsing and sounddesign and would even add somewhat of modularity to podium…major selling points for energyXT and MuLab….



    Trancid: I agree with you, good post!


    @Trancit wrote:

    go one step ahead and built up a little lightweighted “mini subhost”, that offers preset tagging, combining midi plugins, instruments and effects (all vst based, no need for internal FX like Kore has) in one preset to be able to save stacked, arpeggiated or fx tweaked sounds in one single file and steppin through a user based preset library by a single mouseclick on a preset name, without any need of navigating up and down through zillions of folders and sub folders, which simulate a poor tagging system…

    Maybe you want to mean this:
    It’s planned for Podium 6.42 as you can read in the thread 😆

    Honestly I think it’s a good idea, but prior to that Podium needs manage Midi Plugins and improve the multiple in/out plugins management, since those two are requests to fullfill your idea. And prior to Midi improvement and routing improvement there are another features needed which are request too.

    I use Podium everyday and I’d prefer to see the first host with basic features covered and well implemented that a super-mega-hyper-feature and the basic oddly implemented. Just imagine a car with a hydrogen engine and with squared tires 🙂

    I don´t know how other people work, but for me, I often got lost in the preset jungle and wish a good and light solution to handle this disaster from a universal platform…

    My plugins are very simple, so I don’t need presets, and when I need them I program starting in a simple saw wave. However I’d benefit from this idea creating complex patches, which I could need once time for each song at max [my music is contrast, too much complicated sounds got muddy]

    major selling points for energyXT and MuLab….

    Yes, but i’d bet that their sells are pretty inferior to FL Studio, Reaper and Live, which don’t have a modular enviroment but they’re an atracctive concept and the basic is almost implemented (Live piano roll is too primitive, although)

    Just stay tuned, the lastest Podium updates are fullfilling the workflow holes it had 😉


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Maybe you want to mean this:
    It’s planned for Podium 6.42 as you can read in the thread 😆

    No, that I don´t like to see…than I could use energyXT…

    For me very important is that preset organizing thingy…with modularity I meant to be able to combine more than one plugin in a preset, not especially such a virtual wirering system…



    @Trancit wrote:

    For me very important is that preset organizing thingy…with modularity I meant to be able to combine more than one plugin in a preset, not especially such a virtual wirering system…

    Have you had time to look at the track template system yet? To me it sounds like it could solve some of your problems. It allows you to save a track with instrument and effect plugins (including presets) to a track template file. You can organize the track template files into subfolders.


    Yes of course, it would solve to be able to store a “combined” preset, but it wouldn´t be almost as flexible as an Kore2 alternative and as I wrote before, I would love to see a tagging system instead of browsing folders and subfolders and up and down and…you know, what I mean 🙂

    As well as stepping through my presets with a single mouseclick is for me, by far more luxury…



    But I think you are not a happy bunny about my idea, aren´t you?? 8)



    @Trancit wrote:

    But I think you are not a happy bunny about my idea, aren´t you?? 8)

    I agree with LiquidProj3ct, that there are more basic things in Podium that needs to be dealt with before experimenting with new features, like the one you’re describing.

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