Topic: Projects’s names

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  • #1355

    Hi Frits,

    Do you think that you could change or add a preference to link the projects names to the corresponding file names ?
    I suppose that the actual independance between the project’s name and the project’s file name is on purpose, but for me it makes some confusion and unecessary steps to saving.

    For example, I’m used to “save as” my current projects with a new name (adding a letter or a number) several times in a day, but in the list of the previous saved projects, they have of course all the same names, thus the list is useless since I can’t use it to reload a previous saved version (and I don’t want to have to rename the project each time !).

    Another case is when I save as a project to make a new different, it will avoid to have to rename also the project, just save the file with the new name and the project has the same name like in all other softwares.

    So an option to “use the project’s file name as the project’s name” will simplify the forkflow for me…
    Or perhaps is there already this feature and that I ignore it ?



    Pity !


    I have a shortcut to this topic, so I’ll look at it eventually.


    Thanks Frits !

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