Topic: PROOF of Everything I Have Posted Here

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  • #2665
    The Telenator



    And this is why I’m afraid to even touch “highly rated” and highly “used” software. I was strongly thinking about getting FL Studio but (not!) sadly enough I’m crackheaded addicted to Zynewave Podium. As soon as I get my laptop (AMD PhenomIIx4 2.2Ghz 4GB RAM/Win 7 64bit plus something for my desktop also, which will also be AMD/ATi, please no CPU GPU war conversation please, it’s just I’m a cheapo and AMD/ATi has never failed me) I’m buying a full license for Podium. By far the best software I’ve used ever. And to those fanboys of Cubase,

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Like fanboys for Xbox 360. So sad yet halarious!

    Welcome to Podium Tele. Good to have you here. I’m getting some remixers from to test or even make a full remix in Podium. And also highly reccommending it for starting musicians and remixers!

    The Telenator

    Hey there, Infinitoar! Cool to meet you. I’ve read a couple of your threads already. The laptop you mentioned has almost the same specs as the one I bought in middle of last year. The graphics and sometimes the audio used to get stressed out by Cubase. I’m not sure why because they rated the dozen most-used DAWs and Cubase was only a little higher than the average for processor and RAM consumption. The good news is that no other DAW I’ve used (and pretty intensely) has caused a freeze or crash on my computer. Podium works very well with a few tracks and several VSTs loaded.

    With the GPU issue, you know, most laptops come automatically now with whatever they decide to put in it, the least would be a 500Meg dedicated graphics chip. Mine came with that by nVidia. Starting this year, however, I think the standard is now 1 gig. You just get what you get, depending on the PC you want. They are thinking less about musicians’ needs, and it is all about the online gaming users.

    Thanks for the hello! The license thing just came back to me approved and all a couple minutes ago. I’m really psyched, and I’m real happy to be over here with the Podium crowd. Over at Steinberg/Cubase many seemed more like frustrated tech-heads, but here everyone seems more hip and interested in creativity and the projects they’re doin. I didn’t come here to own some prestigious name; I came to Podium because the software is so incredibly cool, works so well, and inspires me to do better music.

    The Telenator

    Infinitoar — Hey, I forgot to mention — I also had a chance to listen to your “Severed” recently, too. Even though the comments thread is elsewhere, I just wanted to add real quick here that I was rather impressed. I had to chuckle at the one comment I read afterward that stated it was “too loud, too much,” ’cause that was exactly one of the main things I liked about it. Instead of screwing around with a gradual build of the symphonic sound, you came in quick, no fooling around, with what was basically a chordal symphonic onslaught. Nice arrangement, too, because you broke from that into the mellower, moody sections at regular intervals. That added the necessary balance, so you can have the “too much” parts and get full impact from them. I think me favorite feature, tho, was the fadeout ending. Now, most will just do a standard fade in that situation, but instead you dropped in the tinkling chimes or bells at intervals, sort of like saying, ‘okay, here’s the fade, I’m ending it, but I’ve got a couple more points to make.

    Note that, like kim said on the other thread, I’m one of those Guitar Dudes myself, and all of my tunes are totally guitar and/or vocals heavy and oriented, but your tune is more the thing I will listen to in order to clear all the guitar noise out of my head once in a while.


    Yeah some of my posts were idiotic and misguided. If I spent a bit more time understanding the program instead of hating simple problems that could be solved I would probably be a bit more ahead in my Podium development. (as far as my music) But the past is the past and I’m much more thankful and knowledgeable now.

    The laptop is only for on-the-go ideas, when I’m away from my main mixing station(PC). Of course I could still make decent quality music from it, and knowing myself I probably would try. Hehe. But the laptop also is just an overall mobile studio, and moreso an idea of what I want which is a quad core 8GB system nothing too fancy.

    I’m a tech “freak” so I know about the PC standards changing. I know laptops may not be the best idea for producing music but hey I know what I’m doing! 😛 I used to game heavily, but I gave that up to follow my dream, and creating music is it. As far as systems, highest I’m going is quad core because doing higher cores is pointless unless your doing some major scoring and need the power. I don’t. However I do need Shreddage until I can purchase a real guitar lol. (which I’m hoping to have soon! Starting from the bottom of music production is hard but with the will to be, I think I can make it) And besides being a tech freak I love music too? Perfect combination.

    Thanks for checking out Severed! I used sample guitar libraries from a generous man named “Theodor Krueger”. He even fixed his bass sample library for me so more deeper tunes I should hopefully shell out soon. I use sample libraries, Guitar Rig 4, and a impulse cab with impulse responses to get as close as I could with a realistic guitar sound. But of course a real guitarist hears the difference so I’m not too worried about it. However when I get a real guitar…..heh heh. But for now I’ll stick to my free sound libraries and push those to the limits as much as I can. Severed also was a deep project for me and I re-EQ’ed it so it sounds better so I may have to upload the redone one just to see of everyone still likes it!

    And again Tele, welcome. 🙂


    Hi Telenator,

    I red the thread at Steinberg forum and tried to follow the discussion.
    Not to put you down, but I think all of this is completely useless and nobody gain anything from such a discussion.

    I understand you frustrations, but… The fact you found Podium should be enough and make you happy. “Teaching them a lesson” – I reffer to Cubase users – achieve nothing. What would that be?! “I’ve got a better girlfriend than you used to be?”


    So, just as I said before, Cubase a a great, stabile, complete DAW. Still is not for everybody, for various reasons. No use to try to convince people otherwise. Rather, explain when you can and when is helpful, how good Podium is. THAT will achieve something.


    The Telenator



    “Now, let me continue what has already become a very pleasant association with this Podium, a very impressively designed bit of recording software.”

    That is the best aproach – be happy and creative, and enjoy working with Podium. No need to keep any sort of hard feeling for whatever from the past. The future sounds good, and you got back the joy of working. That only matters.
    Keep close!

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