Topic: ReaPlugs

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  • #1559

    Hi there,

    I always hated Reaper for its ugliness. But when using themes, it can look very polished. So I bought it a few weeks ago. Reaper is really rich of features, but one thing I like especially is the plugins pack that comes with it.

    The good news is, some of them can be downloaded and uses freely. This is a huge addition when combined with Podium. So those people, who do not have the money to buy these “bread and butter” fx, can load them into Podium. I like the quality of these plugins. Especially the ReaXComp is nice. A multiband compressor, which can be very useful when mixing. What do you guys think?

    Here is the link:


    sam c

    i have had reaper for just over a year. and i agree, the new themes make it nice. it is the fastest growing software i have ever seen. these two guys get out updates at a rate that does not seem possible and becasue of that, the program is very, very feature rich!!

    i actually do not use it much cause i would rather support podium, who’s design is more to my liking. but, reaper has so much more to offer one day i may be forced to use it.

    yeah, there must be 30 quality plugs now included. i am not real familiar with them but over at the forum folks sure talk about them like they are the very best.

    podianer, i’ll be curious what you think, especially since you are a podium user (i think?).


    podianer, i’ll be curious what you think, especially since you are a podium user (i think?).

    Think about what? The plugins? As I wrote above, the combination of Podium and the free ReaPlugs is really great and versatile. Reaper is a beast of its own, and I haven’t managed to try every plugin yet. But I like the very usable mixer in reaper. Something Podium still needs to improve on.. In Reaper you can bypass an effect by holding shift and pressing the left mouse button. You delete the effect by holding alt and pressing the left mouse button. In Podium you have to click on the “x” in order to bypass an effect. Still a one-click solution, but Reaper does it even more clever, imo.

    I have great fun simply playing around with DAWs.. Currently I find myself playing with Podium, Reaper and Tracktion 3. The last mentioned surely has a nice workflow, but it still has bugs. Something Podium is really good at is the gapless audio engine. In T3 you get gaps all the time by activating plugins, changing the order of tracks or what ever. I realize I get quite offtopic now.. 🙂

    So let’s cut it short: Reaper evolved a lot!! And the plugs are very good in combination with Podium. 8)


    I don’t think you went all that far off topic. I too have T3, Reaper, ext2 and Podium. It let’s others know where you are coming from with your response.

    Back to the OP, I like the Reaper plugs. However, I don’t use them outside of Reaper. Why not? I don’t have a need. Like a lot of users I have a decent arsenal of plugs. I use them across the board in all my DAWs. I mean I hate to say it (no offence Frits) but I have yet to use the built in plugs in Podium. I’m used to the tools I have and know their limitations. Learning a new set slows things down for me.

    If you find reaComp to be a good tool by all means use it. If others can use it for free and get good results, all the better.

    sam c

    @UncleAge wrote:

    Back to the OP, I like the Reaper plugs. However, I don’t use them outside of Reaper. Why not? I don’t have a need. Like a lot of users I have a decent arsenal of plugs. I use them across the board in all my DAWs.

    me too! i am used to the plugs i chose and on the few occassions i have tried native or free plugs i am dissapointed. however, i do realize that there are probably good plugs i am missing.

    i see lots of people expressing that reacomp is as good as any…………


    One of the cool things about the Podium forum is that this exchange of information can happen without tempers flaring. If this conversation happens at KVR things would spin out of control, probably. My point is that I hope that this forum remains a stable environment and an invaluable resource of information over time. If that happens, the forum could become one of the reasons that people adopt Podium as their goto DAW.

    Once again I slid off topic, please forgive me…

    I gotta add though that I think that the majority of software tools, free and otherwise, are pretty good overall. Depending on your source material and your gols you can get excellent results with very little outlay of cash. As of right now I have my eye on Pro-C from Fabfilter. I am doing more and more work with outside talent (vocalists) and the need for a decent compressor is becoming apparent. At this point I am not sure if I want to go with something ITB or OTB. Either way I’ll be giving reaComp a run through over the next month to see if it makes my upcoming decision harder or not.



    @Podianer wrote:

    Hi there,

    I always hated Reaper for its ugliness. But when using themes, it can look very polished. So I bought it a few weeks ago. Reaper is really rich of features, but one thing I like especially is the plugins pack that comes with it.

    The good news is, some of them can be downloaded and uses freely. This is a huge addition when combined with Podium. So those people, who do not have the money to buy these “bread and butter” fx, can load them into Podium. I like the quality of these plugins. Especially the ReaXComp is nice. A multiband compressor, which can be very useful when mixing. What do you guys think?

    Here is the link:


    They are a nice set of plugs although I do not really have space for them as I have my ‘go to’ set already. They are certainly one of the best free plugin suites around though. I think Justin surprisingly even keeps the free plugin pack updated as well.

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