Topic: Regarding latency…

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  • #813

    Hey sorry to bother you… I just have a question regarding latency. I am finding when I record some tracks to audio there is a considerable lag (about 1/4) even on plugins that aren’t in a chain… so these bounced tracks are then out of sync with the live stuff… i have moved the tracks away from the start of the track and given it plenty of run up time to the record and have also set my card latency as low as 10ms but still no luck. Anything I can do?


    oh if i record manually it seems to fix it


    oh if i record manually it seems to fix it

    When you say manually, do you mean real-time bounce recording as opposed to offline bounce rendering?


    Yeah real time bounce recording…. I think it might be because of a plugin much further up the chain just before my master that I forgot was there, so I’ll investigate and get back to you.


    right it was a plugin. it seems to be voxengo curve eq that causes the problem… it creates a delay of about 0.08 seconds, this isn’t related to bpm setting. what is bizzare is that it does it even if I highlight ‘x’ to disable the plugin!


    on their forums it says there is latency problems in sonar with it too, so I guess it’s up to them to sort out their plugin. doh tis a shame because it’s such an ace plugin

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