Regarding the upcoming abilities to pitch samples etc… May I make a suggestion? It would be cool if you could use the piano roll to pitch samples, so you see the samples inside the pianoroll… It would look something like this:

Although I am sure you can make it a lot prettier! (i hacked it together on photoshop)…
Instead of having velocity at the bottom of the view, this could be replaced with a pitch bend curve…
Holding control when moving a sample instead of simply repositioning it in the piano roll could toggle whether or not the sample is timestretched and pitched at the same time….
The track view would show the samples normally but with a number dictating pitch and possibly line graph dictating pitch bend?
Right clicking on the original sample you could effect a property to tell podium what the original pitch of the sample is…
I think this would be keeping with the simplicity and intuitive nature of podium’s interface and would allow very easy repitching….[/img]