Topic: Render a Single Track only

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  • #2579

    Hello ,

    I am Italian then first of all sorry for my English , and maybe sorry for a simple and old question ;

    I want to know if is possible with Podium render a single track (only one track of my choice) from a project with multiple tracks (2 , 3 , 4 , etc.) , and if yes how can i do.

    I already know the “Bounce” option for a single track , but my question is regarding the render in a wav format of a single track , and not the bounce option.

    Thanks in advance and have a good day.



    Hi there,

    I haven’t tried it myself, but I believe you can do that by soloing the track you want to render and then simply go to File > Export to sound file.

    That works usually.

    adimatis wrote:
    Hi there,

    I haven’t tried it myself, but I believe you can do that by soloing the track you want to render and then simply go to File > Export to sound file.

    That works usually.

    ……. and YESSSSS !!!!
    I have tried and it works.
    Simple (it) and stupid (I).
    Many thanks from Italy , adimatis.


    You can also bounce a track, right click on the track header, go to Bounce -> Export Bounced Audio to Sound File.


    Many thanks, druid

    this option also works correctly.

    I thank all of you for the great help.


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