Topic: REX and ACID file support.

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  • #9301

    I’m all for keeping it clean as well. Though loops aren’t just for making music with loops. When I bounce down a section of drums to audio or a “looped” part, I like to use that audio that “I made” chop it up stretch it put fx on it etc for variations on a part, or for a whole new part.

    Loop tools are use full and not just for people making music with other peoples loops. Now with that said, there are plenty of tools out there for doing crazy stuff with loops (e.g. LiveSlice) that you can just plug in as a vst or use as a standalone.

    I really like Podium how it is, maybe more audio editing features, some more midi implementation.

    I think features like this could be added as long as they aren’t obtrusive to the current work flow.


    Yeah, that is a good point. I do use loops here and there to augment arrangements (ones I’ve made as well as purchased loops). I’m just against podium getting too bloated…(and can use Acid/Live for stretching stuff).

    Not that I don’t want new features!!! It’s just that time-stretching is at the bottom of my list. And I don’t think there’s any reason to make podium into a clone of other DAW’s out there. It would be better to add features that no other DAW’s have!!!



    I think we all agree here. I take care that each feature I add does not interfere with the workflow for people that have no need for that new feature. Time-stretching of sound events will be an optional feature, so the current arrangement editing behaviour will be the same. The support for time stretch will not have a negative impact on the performance if you are not using the time stretch feature.



    @Zynewave wrote:

    This page lists the licensing prices. A one-time fee is 9870 EUR. Not far from the prices listed by some of the other companies I have contacted. I’ll need to sell a couple of hundred Podium licenses before I can cover those expenses 😯

    Why not to use DIRAC LE for begining? It is free as far as I can see.


    @Nordsee wrote:

    Why not to use DIRAC LE for begining? It is free as far as I can see.


    I think DIRAC LE is too limited. There was some discussion about time-stretching in this topic:


    if you people don’t want to use timestretching, then fine, don’t use it. It’s not like it’s going to be mandatory 😆

    but for many serious musicians, timestretching is a wonderful feature. It’s not something that is just for loopers / Mac users / etc. When timestretching first came out in samplers back at the end of the eighties, it was something that only professionals could afford to have. There wasn’t any scorn towards it back then. I don’t understand why it is different now, but i hear this anti-timestretch argument every time it’s added to a sequencer that didn’t have it before.
    I for one have been wishing for it in Podium for a long time now.
    There are things i don’t use, but i wouldn’t ever argue that they should be taken out, or not added if others find them useful. Frits knows what he’s doing, i think that’s pretty well clear, so don’t worry about Podium becoming something you don’t like. It’s just not going to happen.


    oh, BTW Frits:

    it’s under the LGPL too, not the GPL – this means it can be used in a commercial app, with no problems at all.



    timestretching is a wonderful feature.

    I purchased Acid only for this.


    Hi Frits,

    Is Timestretching back on the menu now?

    I know recent controller hardware support feature’s put a temporary stop to other feature’s being looked at, so now that is finished (correct me if I am wrong) I am just wondering if you have now returned to Timestretching development.

    Or is this even further down the road now? 🙁 Spoonboilers Soundtouch suggestion looks promising.

    I think once Timestrecthing is implemented I could drop a few applications.

    I know you have to juggle feature priorites but I just thought I would mention it. Yes it was (as a result of other user requested features including some of mine) sidetracked for a bit but it was a high priority at one point.



    Is Timestretching back on the menu now?

    It hasn’t returned to the top of the priority list yet. The timestretching was sidetracked by the mixer improvements leading from discussions on this forum. I still have some ideas for improving the mixer/track management, which I want to carry through. The control surface support is not finished either.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Is Timestretching back on the menu now?

    It hasn’t returned to the top of the priority list yet. The timestretching was sidetracked by the mixer improvements leading from discussions on this forum. I still have some ideas for improving the mixer/track management, which I want to carry through. The control surface support is not finished either.

    Ok cool. Thanks for the update. 😉

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