Topic: Routing midi to effects unit

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  • #2523
    Gino Cortesi


    I’m using an effect that can take midi input.

    Is there a way to route midi from an instrument to an effects unit in Podium?

    Best regards,



    Liquid make a video showing how to use midi input effects

    Gino Cortesi

    Thanks Lion, that’s great info and a great video!

    At the moment, I can only use one instance of the effects unit (which is fine for what I’m doing right now). If I place another one, it turns red and tells me it’s already being used by a different track.

    I’m assuming what I need to do next is add a few more global devices to the project

    Best regards,



    When you create a “global instance”, the link number it has means that anything you add with that same link number will use that exact same instance. Not a new copy of that VST/VSTi, but THAT specific setup that you’ve already used.

    If you want to use multiple instances, you can, under the device list, right click on the instance you already have (either the folder they are in, or the device itself) and Podium will create a new instance automatically for you, possibly not in the way you’d expect, but try it and see.

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