Topic: Send signal not included in Bounce Track

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  • #990

    When I bounce I track, the newly created sound file does not contain any of my send signal. This is logic, because the return track is on a different hierarchic level. But how can I bounce the signal of the return track?

    EDIT: I just tried to bounce in realtime. Then the signal will be recorded. So this does not work for offline bounce. 🙁

    That is something I can live with.. 🙂


    So this does not work for offline bounce.

    Offline bounce will solo the track you bounce, so this will mute other tracks in the arrangement. You can see the solo/mute buttons change during the bounce. The soloing is done to skip CPU consumption on other tracks. If you manually activate solo on e.g. return tracks before doing an offline bounce, they will be included in the offline processing.


    Nice, thanks!

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