Topic: Silly question regarding presets

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  • #1460

    Dear friends……. 😀

    I have a small issue that I need help with. I’ve been working on some presets for an up-coming release of a synth made by UGO (I guess some of you are already familiar with his previous work).

    However, in Podium, Im not sure how to “extract” these presets as a file, so that I can send or save elsewhere. Right now, each preset slot is saved with Podium…question is…saved where? How do I find or generate the file on the HDD?

    I should know this, but…well, I dont 🙂

    Piltdown Man

    Hi Reject,

    You can export presets created in Podium to .fxp and .fxb files. You create new program or bank library presets using the preset panel menu or by pressing ctrl+P. Export presets by right-clicking the preset object and choosing Properties on the context menu. In the Library Preset Properties dialog, click Export… to bring up the Export VST plugin Preset dialog where you can specify the name and the location of the file.

    Hope that instruction is helpful, otherwise I’ll have to rewrite that section in the guide (it’s mentioned together with the zPlugins).

    By the way, would that be the same UGO who has made all those wonderful Wusikstation presets?



    Hi, I don’t know about his Wusik-presets, but own Wusikstation 4, so will check them out::-). It’s the ugo that released those fantastic free synths, and the effect “metallurgy” cheap, with which you can make really nice strange sounds… And he did a lot more, including many presets for many vstis. All great works!

    Piltdown Man

    Most of the Wusik presets with the tag Ugo on my machine are from the Fuel3 WusikEngine Library (from so I don’t know if there are any Ugo presets included with Wusikstation.


    Piltdown: A thousand thanks! I havent actually checked that it works, but I did find the ‘export’ button. Tackar för det…

    Klemperer, Piltdown: Yes, that would be the one and the same UGO. I frequently use his synths Rez 1.3 and 2.0 and String Theory.
    As for whats coming up from him in the very near future, well…I have to remain tight-lipped. But it will be sweet 8)

    Edit: you can find his homepage here:
    If you want to see his current WIP, you can visit the UGO forum at KVR:

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