Topic: Skin exchange

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  • #266


    I have uploaded Podium color shemes that I use most of the time. they are dark blue-ish ( easy on my eyes)

    Odium 6

    – a complete toolbar on top of the arrangement. You’ll need a 1280×1024 screenresolution to see the full toolbars lenght.
    -In addition to the default “skins” there are marker rulers in the note/key and Wave editor upper timeruler.
    -There is also a limit of 270 px for the mixer strips. So you can not pull it up “too high”.

    here is a full screen capture
    Hereis the zipped Odium_6ini file and belonging texture


    Odium 7

    A second package: same as above but with a subtile gradient background, different default event color and additional screenprofiles:
    *one with two fixed mixer lanes and a fixed track overview (if you have a llot of tracks)
    *one with two adjustable mixer lanes and a fixed track overview (if you have a lot of tracks)
    *an over the top 3 mixerlanes view
    *A track overview with a place holder where you can reside and edit plugins without overlapping your tracks

    here is a full screen capture
    Hereis the zipped Odium_7ini file and belonging texture


    Very nice Kage.

    Think I may be using this :D. very easy on the eyes.


    Very nice. Love the panel and selection colors. 8)

    Now, if only we could get rid of that hideous Windows frame and titlebar šŸ˜‰ (2006)


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Now, if only we could get rid of that hideous Windows frame and titlebar šŸ˜‰ (2006)

    When Using CreateWindow, set dwStyle to include WS_DLGFRAME.
    @WinApi.hlp wrote:

    WS_DLGFRAME Creates a window that has a border of a style typically used with dialog boxes. A window with this style cannot have a title bar.

    However, doing this you will then need to write your own routines for Max/Minimize, move, etc, but this could be done with a panel or menu items (and the move can be done by tracking mouse movement when clicking on a panel).

    Lookup the CreateWindow function for more..!



    Lookup the CreateWindow function for more..!

    My comment to kagemusha was more meant as a joke. I have previously created another application that have a completely custom drawn window frame and system buttons. I chose not to do this in Podium, as there are certain elements I would like to remain Windows like, e.g. the dialogs and Windows frames. If you’re using XP you may have installed a visual style theme that you would prefer to be adopted by Podium.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Lookup the CreateWindow function for more..!

    My comment to kagemusha was more meant as a joke. I have previously created another application that have a completely custom drawn window frame and system buttons. I chose not to do this in Podium, as there are certain elements I would like to remain Windows like, e.g. the dialogs and Windows frames. If you’re using XP you may have installed a visual style theme that you would prefer to be adopted by Podium.

    So you weren’t serious in suggesting you would like podium in full screen modus?? šŸ˜„ .. That’s how i Interpreted it. Or is it me who should install some theme for windows?


    So you weren’t serious in suggesting you would like podium in full screen modus??

    Actually I have planned to add support for a full screen mode of the main browser when the window is maximized. This would get rid of the titlebar and the status bar, freeing up valuable screen estate for people running low resolutions. It would not get rid of the Windows frame of the separate editor windows, which was what I was referring to. I hope all this is done before 2006, btw.


    sorry!!! my misunderstanding!!!




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