Topic: snap events

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  • #388

    Hi Frits,

    I’ve searched for the option to snap by events instead of the grid and I have not seen it too on the planned functions.
    It is very needed for audio montage, so if you could add it to the long, long list of whishes…



    Hi Jean-Marc,

    Could you give some examples of what you mean by ‘snap by events’?

    I can imagine a number of scenarios; Snapping the start of an audio/sequence event onto the tail of a previous event on the same track, or even snapping to the start and tail times of all events on all tracks. Also ‘relative’ snapping, where the position is not quantized but rather the event is time shifted with the quantize setting when dragging the event.


    Could you give some examples of what you mean by ‘snap by events’?

    Yes, excuse me, it’s rather difficult for me to express in english…

    You are right : it concerns the snapping of the edges of events on the same track and the snapping of start and end of events on all tracks, if possible withe ability to select the “one track” or the “all tracks” mode.

    The relative snapping that you described will possibly be usefull if it is based on a time quantize (in seconds) rather than a bar quantize ? I personnaly don’t need this function.


    It’s on the plan now.


    2009 ?

    I’m sorry to insist, I know that you cannot respond to all requests !, but I have spent two weeks working in Reaper : I had forgotten how it can be efficient and pleasant to do simple audio editing…
    Snapping on objects edges and play position is a very basic feature, hope that 2.0 version will have it.

    Best regards.


    Hi Frits,
    it may be relevant here,

    when recording audio i want to loop, i spend lots of time going max zoom to start of event (usually at the loopcursorpoint). then disable snap, cut at the first zero crossing,delete the first segment, create a new blank audio section to splice and fill the empty space,
    merge,zoom out, reactivate snap and and cut event to the desired start point.
    this process is then repeated at the end of the clip
    obviously its worth the effort to eliminate the clicks and pops,but am i missing some functionality that could make the process easier ?

    thanks mart.


    @estwing wrote:

    …cut at the first zero crossing,delete the first segment, create a new blank audio section to splice and fill the empty space,

    I may not have understood your description fully, but would it not be simpler to open the sound editor, set a segment selection from the start to the zero-crossing point, and then use the “Silence” edit menu command?

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