Topic: Some feature suggestions

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  • #2000

    I’m going to post a small list with features and improvements I think would make Podium a better program. I fully understand that they won’t be implemented tomorrow (if at all)

    1. Adaptive snap grid: the more you zoom in the finer the grid becomes. Ableton live has this nicely implemented. Say when I’m fully zoomed out I have a snap of a bar, when I zoom in more this goes to 1/4, 1/16 etc.

    2. Always have the spacebar control transport, no matter what has the focus (be this the browser, or a plugin or …)

    3. A keyboard shortcut that zooms in on the x-axis without requiring the mouse (say when I press the + key it zooms in, when I press the – key it zooms out) (I could then map this to the thumb wheel on my mouse too 🙂 )

    4. Have a tab in the browser for track templates (besides the current “project” and “file” tabs). If you drag a template from there *over* an existing tab it will add this as an fx chain, if you add it in between tracks or in white space in the arrangement, it will add this as a new track with that chain.

    I have some more, but they don’t really spring to mind right now. I’ll update this post when they do, or when I get round to making some mockups for some of these.




    @Markus wrote:

    1. Like a swing / groove control. YES

    Actually, not like a swing groove feature. Just make the snap resolution smaller as you zoom in.

    Having a swing/groove grid would be nice, but it’s probably much harder to do and it’s something I wouldn’t use. (I tend to nudge the hits snapless until they sit right)


    I agree that adaptive quantization/smart snap would be a great feature to have. I’ve got lots more FR’s too, but I’ll refrain for now. 😆

    Just this one, as it’s related to quantization/snap:
    Marquee selections should not be quantized by default! It’s simply stupid that you have to change snap settings sometimes only to select that one more note/event!
    There are situations where it comes in handy, so maybe assign shift-click-drag to snap selection to quantize setting.


    @kyran wrote:

    1. Adaptive snap grid: the more you zoom in the finer the grid becomes. Ableton live has this nicely implemented. Say when I’m fully zoomed out I have a snap of a bar, when I zoom in more this goes to 1/4, 1/16 etc.

    That’s not always desirable. And besides, there is alot more in music than those simple denominators. The automatically adjusting grid, just cannot guess what I’m up to, maybe it’s triplets or five or seven in a quarter note and maybe I want to zoom in while seeing exactly the grid I need and not something else with no relevance to what I’m doing.

    A swing/groove tool on the other hand could be useful. Loadable custom grids made from own midi sequences would do.


    You should look how live does this. They are just another snap setting you can choose “narrow, normal, wide”, but you can still select the standard (or no) snap values too.


    @kyran wrote:

    You should look how live does this. They are just another snap setting you can choose “narrow, normal, wide”, but you can still select the standard (or no) snap values too.

    Ok, only an option then, though one I would have no use for.
    Don’t have live, only looked at it once, but did not like it.
    I always loved the simple separate selectable values, one for the grid, one for the drawn note. I’ts much quicker to take care of the rests when drawing. That old pure midi sequencer digital orchestrator pro (aka record producer) had such an easily workable and intuitive piano roll. Never actually understood why the grid and the currently drawn note should be linked in any way like it is now in most DAWs, there is no advantage to it, imho.



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