Topic: some ideas to make podium better.

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  • #816

    map box. hide all non used in and outs on loading of podium.

    give option to load podium with all dlls instead of putting dlls that cant be confirmed behind folders. distinguish between vsti dlls and vst dlls by using diffrent symbol of dll for each instead of a one dll one look. create individual map boxes for each function instead of a one all do all. that being, a box thats defines outputs, a box that defines vstis, another that defines vst fx, another buses and create each in a open close tier style strip racks . give a difrent look to the symbol that defines what each tier function does. on loading of new instrument automaticly rename chosen track to name of synth or fx loaded and since the user know what synth or effect they want. ie if the synth was a linplug alpha on default and the person decided that a vanguard would be better, vanguard is loaded, the leftover track with the sequencer on it would now also be renamed vanguard instead of staying named alpha.

    input. give two options in the input box defined software user: this would automaticly asign a midi input to each software instrument that is loaded and also reconize the best audio inputs and outputs based on there soundcard. the other option would be the hardware user: in which the user would have to choose output based on which hardware they want to use.

    preset box. add a strip to the top of the preset box that would let the user select previous/ next along with a panel box with 4 little folder that lets the user load/save/fxb/fxp and if posible to simplify, allow podium to use only one folder for load/save and another to load both fxb/fxp that would be even better. add same preset editor strip to top of vsti/fx editor. also create a way so that if a user doesnt want to browse all 128 patches and has a few favorites, to see all presets on bank and load on click as such.

    pianoroll: for those that dont play piano a none velocity option for both realtime playing and also pianoroll work. a way to allow users to simply touch a note with the mouse oin the pianoroll and have podium sustain the note for as long as its pressed with the mouse.

    paremeters: distinguish between midi and vst parameters by creating individual symbols for both instead of trying to cover all bases. maybe a midi cable signal for midi paramters. and a computer monitor picture for vst parameters.

    track inspector: (not regular inspector) on loading of synth or effect, the most important box the editor box is hidden and user must open track to access editor. in channel strip where volume level is replace volume level with lower buttons that cant be seen so that you would have all potential user buttons in eye level and access upon loading. the strip thats says midi in is a space waster. empty box also wastes space.

    so now you have the volume level in a vertical style, the six inspector buttons are seen directly upon loading a synth or effect, the midi on and empty strip is gone replaced by a simple on/off midi in/empty symbols.

    create option to allow podium to turn on monitoring upon project load.

    give each transport button a diffrent look so that people dont get confused which is which.

    podiums gui is a little to coverall end all style look. by that i mean the look,
    minimizes things a bit too much by trying to cover everything as simple as possible and though this works the gui could be made much more professional looking and undertstandable if things were more graphicly advanced ie individual symbols for each function, dlls, transport buttons, mixers ect. instead of a universal format. sometimes making a program too logical makes it more complicated because the program assumes the user assumes that there doing the most logical thing when the problem relies in the fact that whats logical is individual for each person hence the reason why so many people have a hard time understanding how podium works. perhaps a better idea is to not assume that the individual knows how podium works and making podium less simple and more defined how everything works would work better for people.

    hireing a professional graphic designer like nbeat or somebody could realy get podium noticed.

    i honestly belive that the reason why podium is so difficult for alot of people and very simple for others is because of how logical it is. but yeah thats what i think would make podium better and easier to learn for everybody πŸ™‚


    hireing a professional graphic designer like nbeat or somebody could realy get podium noticed.

    Here’s a quote from :

    @Zynewave wrote:

    From 1996 to 2005 I worked at TC Electronic where my job was user interface design and implementation.

    So, Frits is a professional GUI designer.


    Thanks for your suggestions hitman.

    You have a point about specialized icon images for the objects. So far the icons only distinguish between the object types. I intend to add different images that illustrate the configuration/usage of each object. I just haven’t found time to do it yet.


    alright then frits. im glad your hearing me πŸ™‚


    @Max wrote:

    hireing a professional graphic designer like nbeat or somebody could realy get podium noticed.

    Here’s a quote from :

    @Zynewave wrote:

    From 1996 to 2005 I worked at TC Electronic where my job was user interface design and implementation.

    So, Frits is a professional GUI designer.

    I had to laugh when I read hitmans comments. πŸ˜‰ Yes Frits is the designer around here and has plenty of experience. While Podium can do with some more improvements here and there graphically at least it has that TC Electronics clarity when it comes to buttons and text in my opinion. Think EQsat.

    Not necessaritly everyone’s taste of course but I like it. Hitman, at least your suggestions are being considered. πŸ˜‰


    at least it has that TC Electronics clarity when it comes to buttons and text in my opinion. Think EQsat.

    Just for the record: I had nothing to do with the EQsat plugin you linked to. In fact I never worked on the design of plugins at TC. I was involved with the design of the TC Icon editor for the System 6000, from which individual algorithm editor pages has since been ported to Powercore plugins.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    at least it has that TC Electronics clarity when it comes to buttons and text in my opinion. Think EQsat.

    Just for the record: I had nothing to do with the EQsat plugin you linked to. In fact I never worked on the design of plugins at TC. I was involved with the design of the TC Icon editor for the System 6000, from which individual algorithm editor pages has since been ported to Powercore plugins.

    Hi Frtis,
    The link was merely an example, πŸ˜‰ but not of your work. I think you did mention to me sometime ago that the System6000 was part of your previous work at TC. 8) Apologies if it gave the wrong impression to anyone reading this thread. πŸ˜‰

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