Topic: Strange CPU numbers in 2.25 project?

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  • #2144
    sam c

    I noticed my computer glitching a bit on a Podium project in spite of the fact that the Podium CPU shows less than 4%.

    I have 12 tracks, no fx, no bussing…pretty simple stuff.

    I opened task manager and then Podium. Podium starts at 29,000 KB in task manager under processes. My CPU Usage shows 2% and my PF Usage 191 MB. Once I hit play in podium the PF usage moves up to about 900 MB. CPU Usage up to about 66% and in processes Podium goes from 29000KB to 850000KB.

    Any idea why this would be happening?

    sam c

    I even went back to 2.24 and 2.23 and get the same results. It is making it impossible to use Podium.

    Frits, you might be the only one who can help? I hope!

    BTW, I checked reaper and saw and the CPU remains around 6% on the same projects. All projects have absolutely no plugs or additions to simple audio tracks.


    So, the Podium CPU indicator shows 4% while the Windows task manager shows 66%?

    As soon as you stop playback, does the CPU go back to normal?

    You say it glitches. Do you mean you get gaps in the sound without the Podium CPU indicator going into the red?

    Do you have any VST instruments in the arrangement? If there are any sample-based instruments then that can explain the rise in memory usage.

    sam c

    Yes, Podium says 4% task manager says 60% when I hit play. No vst no sample based instruments.

    If I keep the inspector open it drops from 60% on the task manager to 32%.

    I get gaps in the sound but no CPU in the red….it stays at 4 to 6% on Podium.

    Any ideas?


    If I keep the inspector open it drops from 60% on the task manager to 32%.

    Sounds like there is something in the UI redrawing that is using more CPU than needed. If you during playback close the arrangement editor by going back to the project start page, what does the task manager CPU say?

    If you have other plugin editor or Podium windows open, try closing them and see if it changes the CPU.

    sam c

    If I go back to start page it drops all the way to 8% while project is playing.

    No other windows or programs open.

    I sent you my podium file to your support address. Not sure if that will help?


    I tried your Podium.ini file, but there isn’t anything wrong there. I did however notice a higher than usual CPU usage during my test, and I located the issue to the meter drawing in the tracks region. Try to open the tracks region properties dialog and set the “audio meters” combobox to “hide meters”. Let me know how much this fixes the issue for you.

    The meter update code has been optimized a long time ago, but it seems that some of the recent updates to the UI has disturbed this. I’ll profile the performance the next few days and hopefully fix this for the 2.26 release.

    sam c

    Frits, that cut it to about 32% on my task manager.

    Well, it did not. I went in and changed it in each view that has tracks and it is back to 62%. So I undid it all and it is 62%. Then I changed the one view of tracks to hide meters and it is still 62%.

    Is there anything I can do to get this working?

    sam c

    When the play cursor is changed from follow play cursor and the cursor leaves the view of the track window the task manager CPU drops down to 8%.

    So my project starts at 62%, when the cursor leaves teh view it drops to 6%!?


    @sam c wrote:

    Frits, that cut it to about 32% on my task manager.

    Well, it did not. I went in and changed it in each view that has tracks and it is back to 62%. So I undid it all and it is 62%. Then I changed the one view of tracks to hide meters and it is still 62%.

    Is there anything I can do to get this working?

    Please double-check that the track meters are hidden. If in doubt, start with the “restore default editor profiles” command in the setup menu, and then select the “hide meters” option.

    With the meters hidden (at 32% CPU), where you then able to play the arrangement without audio dropouts?

    sam c

    It seems to be the play cursor in the view window that makes my system spike. However, my processes shows Podium climb from 29000KB to over 900000 after a few minutes on play, even though CPU drops to 6 to 9% on task manager.

    sam c

    Track meters were definitely changed to hide meters. It made no difference. The play cursor off the screen is what drops my CPU to normal.


    @sam c wrote:

    When the play cursor is changed from follow play cursor and the cursor leaves the view of the track window the task manager CPU drops down to 8%.

    So my project starts at 62%, when the cursor leaves teh view it drops to 6%!?

    How old is your PC?

    What model/speed is your CPU?

    Do you know if your PC has a separate graphics card, or is it an onboard graphics chip?

    When the play cursor leaves the view, Podium no longer has to repaint the area around the animated cursor. For some reason that is using a lot of CPU on your PC.


    @sam c wrote:

    It seems to be the play cursor in the view window that makes my system spike. However, my processes shows Podium climb from 29000KB to over 900000 after a few minutes on play, even though CPU drops to 6 to 9% on task manager.

    Ok, if it is a gradual climb up to 900000, then it is normal. It is the memory caching of the audio files that grows during playback. It will be flushed when the memory is needed for other purposes.

    sam c

    This is a few years old. Pent 4- 3.2gHz- 2 gig ram -on board video card-Sony Vaio.

    Frits, all other programs work as they should. So did Podium until recently and nothing has changed on the computer. It is XP, tweaked for audio, and really has been no problem.

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