Topic: Strange problem

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  • #1616


    On the verge of grabbing Podium now (yes, I’ve been here before) and was just having a last play with the demo before cashing in.

    I found a couple of strange things with Spectrasonics plugins though, that I haven’t encountered on any other host.

    First off, I have to disable multiprocessor plugins, otherwise having Atmosphere on 1 track and Stylus RMX on another means almost constant 100% CPU. Not sure what’s going on there.

    More worrying, is that with just Atmosphere, the CPU will keep ‘glitching’ up to 100% every few seconds.

    Finally (and this one is very weird), if I drag Stylus RMX onto a track, then right-click “Create Bounce Track” it creates a parameter track 😯 If I try to delete this parameter track using the menu, it creates a second one. No more, and I can delete them with the delete key, but this only happens with Stylus…

    … bounce tracks work fine on any other plugin – but if my track has Stylus on it, the bounce track menu option creates a parameter track.

    It could be because my Stylus plugin seems to offer hundreds (literally) of parameters, most showing ‘unnamed’. Maybe it’s a bit broken, and needs a re-install…. It’s certainly weird behaviour in the way it affects podium though.

    Anyway, I hope someone can help, if only to tell me that Stylus works fine for them 😕


    Update: I seem to have managed to get rid of the stylus CPU ‘glitching’, after a couple of restarts – it may have been down to an old parameter track for a different VST that was left behind (minimised) when I changed the track to be Stylus… not sure.

    Also, there are meant to be hundreds of ‘unnamed’ parameters. It’s by design apparently and the same happens in Reaper. I still think this may be the key to the funny bounce/parameter mixup (and this is easily reproducible).


    Hi Michael,

    if I drag Stylus RMX onto a track, then right-click “Create Bounce Track” it creates a parameter track If I try to delete this parameter track using the menu, it creates a second one. No more, and I can delete them with the delete key, but this only happens with Stylus…

    Strange. I would appreciate if you could email me the project file so I can debug what is going on.


    Hey Frits.

    I’ve sent the pod file as requested.

    I’ve also gone ahead and finally bought a copy of Podium, because I keep putting it off, and this is just a tiny glitch which doesn’t affect me really at the moment. I’ve always been impressed with your responses in the forum, and podium is the host that seems fit most with my way of thinking 😀



    @koalaboy wrote:

    I’ve also gone ahead and finally bought a copy of Podium

    Welcome aboard! 🙂


    Thanks for the welcome 😀

    I seem to have sorted out the CPU glitches… Seems after my last install I forgot I needed the AMD ‘gaming timing’ patch that fixes problems with X2 processors when applications (usually games) use some of the core timing routines.

    I’d applied this last time and not thought much of it. After re-applying it, I don’t seem to get the rolling CPU glitches, and I can run Stylus and atmosphere together in multiprocessor mode 8)

    I’ll keep an eye on it just in case.



    if I drag Stylus RMX onto a track, then right-click “Create Bounce Track” it creates a parameter track If I try to delete this parameter track using the menu, it creates a second one. No more, and I can delete them with the delete key, but this only happens with Stylus…

    Thanks for the project file you emailed me. It turns out that Stylus reports it has 18719 parameters. This causes the Podium track menu (which shows all parameters in a submenu) to exceed the number of available menu IDs, and thus the parameter menus are confused with other menu commands such as the delete track command. I have added a limitation of 5000 on the parameter submenu to avoid this problem. You’ll still be able to access all 18000+ parameters in the inspector parameter panel list. Fix is available in the next 2.00 beta.


    18719 parameters?? Are you serious??? What kind of plugin needs that many paramters??? Even 5000 seems completely way out of bounds of normality!! :O


    Thanks for the fix Frits 😀

    I’ll be sure to let you know my results.

    Stylus is certainly very unusual, in the amount of automation it offers – it’s even more frustrating because it doesn’t name most of them for reasons that should become clear.

    It’s in the way it offers Edit Groups:


    An Edit Group is a new concept in Stylus RMX that allows you to isolate any individual slice or group of slices of audio and manipulate them completely independently of any other audio inside RMX. Edit Groups are perhaps the most powerful sound-shaping feature inside Stylus RMX. Using them allows you to customize grooves and sounds in a whole new and very flexible way. Although Edit Groups are powerful, they are also very easy to use.

    … and then offers every single parameter of every edit group to be automatable. It makes more sense when using the VST, and you can midi-learns the controls as well, so they probably don’t intend you to select a parameter from the menu.

    Anyway, the problem was just in the way it affected the functionality of other track aspects, and it seems this is now sorted 8)



    Hi Frits,
    I can confirm a similar experience (in compact mode) where a parameter track would be created and trying to delete it would result in the creation of a new parameter track etc.
    I found if i switched to expanded mode i could delete them no problem.



    @estwing wrote:

    I found if i switched to expanded mode i could delete them no problem.

    That’s because the old expanded mode track menu does not have the parameter submenu. In 2.00 the expanded mode track menu is now the same as the compact mode track menu.

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