Topic: SW1KXG

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  • #309

    Does podium manage the multi audio channels of the SW1K?I succeed to assign audiotrack to the different audio out , but then how to automate the vol and Pan? πŸ™‚


    It should be possible. Before you import the SW1K device definition using the project wizard, you should select the ‘Analog’ and ‘PCI 1/2’ in the audio listboxes. This will create a set of properly configured audio mappings (i.e. SW1K Audio 1-2 Out etc.). When you have assigned an audio mapping to a track, look in the ‘Audio Parameters’ folder in the parameter panel to find the ‘Audio Volume’ and ‘Audio Pan’ parameters. Double click to assign to tracks.


    πŸ™ Did it , but it does not have any influence on the sound , i see the curves the sliders moving but that is all the sound remain the same volume and the same pan…


    Ok, I must admit it has been a while since I tried this with the SW1K. I’ll do a proper check during the next few days.

    Btw. did you receive my email? I also sent you a PM, that you haven’t read yet. Click the ‘You have 1 new message’ link in the title bar.


    8) Ok thanks , it seems to be that the SW1KAudio out 1-2 is in fact adressing the 2-3 channels(verified with XGedit ant Midiox+MidiyokeNT)


    This parameter “Audio 1-2 Stereo” witch is like a switch , how does it works ,the Sysex message is correct but it seems that it is never send.So the action of the volume control is Mono.


    You should create a new track dedicated for system setup parameters under one of your tracks with a SW1K mapping. On this track you drag any setup or mode parameters onto the timeline area of the track. This will create parameter events that you can use to change the modes during playback. On this track you should e.g. always put the ‘XG System On’ as the very first parameter, to ensure that the XG card is put in the right mode of operation before your arrangement starts. This XG system on command will require a few millisecs to initialize, so generally when using this, you would start your sequences on bar 2 to make sure all modes and program changes are complete before the song starts.


    Yep , i understand the process , but it does not seem to work , and i have my Audio out 1-2 arriving apparently in 2-3 , this is wher i can adjust the volume with the help of XG edit.There is always a default volume parameter send when i start to play and it is sent before any parameter i put in my system-track.I will prepare a project and send it to you ok?


    I will prepare a project and send it to you ok?

    Yes, that would be helpful.

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