Topic: tempo curve

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  • #549

    Hi Frits,
    Ive been making music all week, And I started to think about how I was going to put my album together. I was thinkin I could either mix it or just have the tracks fade in and out seperately. Thats when I came up with this kick ass idea. On many of the dance music cd’s I listen to the bpm is constantly speeding up and slowing down very gradually so that theres more flexability in the way the tunes are orderd. It would be smart if podium had a master tempo curve that could speed up and slow down very gradually, this would make it ideal for mixing songs as well as composing.



    An item on the plan is gradual tempo change events. I am not sure that is what you are talking about though. Do you intend to put all your songs into one big arrangement, or else how would you crossfade the songs?


    Yes, put all the final wave files of each track into one arrangement and use the tempo curve over as longer time as possible so that the listener can’t tell it is happening whether its speeding up or slowing down. There are programs for mixing already, but if you could do it in Podium you have the advantage of all the vst effects as well, you could use e.q to kill the bass and treble and Podiums mixer automation for fadeing.



    If you are mixing wave files, then the normal bar/beat and tempo events will not change the tempo of the wave files. What you would need for this is a gradual time stretching of the audio events.

    If I wanted to crossfade a song at e.g. 100 BPM into a song at 120 BPM, I would you put tempo changes at the end of the first song that gradually raised the tempo to 120, and similarly start the second song at 100 BPM and gradually raise it to 120. Then you can crossfade the wave files of the two songs and get a smooth tempo transition.

    German Fafian

    @Zynewave wrote:

    What you would need for this is a gradual time stretching of the audio events.

    FL has this and it is a pain in the ass!!!! Mostly because you can not turn it off.
    If you try and record an audio part in a song with time changes you have to listen to the whole song while mixing or the audio parts will not play right.
    For other purposes it is great (If you use loops and samples) but for audio recording it is not. I have asked Gol if there would be a way to turn this feature off, but never got a response back 😥
    Well. For audio I now have Podium 😀


    Hi Frits,
    sorry for takeing age’s to reply, My computer has been being a bit tempremental just lately 😕 . The idea I had in mind was to make album version wave files that were all the same tempo( like an average taken from all the song or somthin)so you can still crossfade. Then to continuously speed the prodject up
    or slow it down when needed, so that the change in tempo is so smooth that no one can tell it is happening. You speak of continuous time stretching is this an effect that is already out there ❓ If not would it be possible to incorperate somthing like this into Podium ❓


    Time-stretching is a very complex process and difficult to implement with good quality results. Time-stretching is normally used on simple material, such as break beats or solo instrument riffs. When applying time-stretch to complex material such as a complete song, there are audible artifacts that don’t sound good. So I cannot recommend using time-stretching as a final mastering process. Not even if Podium were able to do time-stretching 😉


    Chiss for that Frits, I gues I’ll just have to use tempo changes then, this should be O.k any way 🙂 .



    We do this all the time at the studio. You use Native Instruments Traktor to do this. And everyone’s right, don’t use the time-stretch algorhythms. In this situation, you speed up the master tempo and the pitch actually goes up as well. This isn’t time-stretching, it’s just regular old speeding up the recording. It’ll sound fine.

    As for the best time-stretching it’s Prosoniq Time Factory. It’s capable of time stretching full instrumentals within a few semitones without noticeable artifacts. Used it to take a full song from 120 to 124 without problems.

    I never get a response whenever I post on this board, I don’t what I’ve said to piss everyone off, but I hope this helps!


    Hi suges,

    Thanks for your response 😉 I’m sorry you feel there is a shortage of feedback to your posts, but I always find your posts interesting and helpful.


    Awww thanks Frits! I’m just playing tho. I wish there was an emoticon for sarcasm!


    Hi Suges,
    Thanks for explaing about the time stretching and and shit, it has helped a great deal 😀 . Is this plugin for time streching expensive. Also I was speaking to Fritz about implementing an envelope into podium that controls the master tempo does traktor have this feature or do you use loads of tempo makers ❓



    Sappenin Stu,

    Prosoniq’s a bit pricey considering that it only does one thing: time stretch. It’s not even a plugin, it’s a standalone app that you run on wave files. About $300 US if I’m not mistaken.

    Your best bet for Traktor is to check out the demo to see what I mean. It doesn’t have any markers, it records in realtime. You basically use it as if you were a DJ doing a live set. If you’re not up on that kinda stuff I recommend getting a good DJ, renting two Pioneer CDJ-800s, a mixier, and let him do the mix for you. Or her, I heard there’s like, 4 female DJs in the whole world HAHAH .


    Nice one Suges, yera star. Gotta say that prosoniqs A bit to expensive for me at the mo, but renting some decks definitly sounds like a great idea 😀 . My brothers a Dj so I’ll have to get him to do it, I just hope he does’nt charge me for it 😆 . Any way I’ll leave it there.

    P.s buzz of the sappenin thing. Also Ive been to your site and left a message I hope this is’nt to much bother, no rush to answer it 😉 .

    thanks again
    Stu 😀

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